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8 Tips to Increase the Immune System: Okezone Lifestyle

The immune system or immune system has an important role in maintaining health. The body’s immunity must be maintained properly so that it is not susceptible to disease. A good immune system can protect us from the first time the germs that cause disease enter the body.

Therefore, having a strong immune system is very important to prevent us from falling sick, especially during a pandemic like today. There are various ways you can do to increase body immunity, including:

Eat lots of vegetables and fruits

To maintain and increase body immunity, you are advised to increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits. Research shows that people who eat a lot of both types of food are less likely to get sick. This is because the vitamins and minerals contained in vegetables and fruit are able to strengthen the immune system against viruses and bacteria that cause disease.

Get enough rest

Lack of sleep can reduce body immunity. It is important to get enough sleep according to your age. Generally, adults need around 7-8 hours of sleep, and teenagers need around 9-10 hours of sleep. Lack of sleep can make your body easy to drop and not be optimal in doing activities.

Avoid stress

Uncontrolled stress can increase the production of the hormone cortisol. In the long run, an increase in the hormone cortisol can result in decreased immune function. Stress can also make you have a fever. When you have a fever, you need to take your temperature with thermometer. Usually a person is said to have a fever when the body temperature exceeds the normal limit, which is above 37 degrees Celsius. You need to manage stress well to avoid decreased immune function.

Exercise regularly

It is recommended to exercise regularly for 30 minutes every day, to boost the immune system to fight infection. One sport that is cheap and easy to do is walking. Not only outside the home, sports or physical activity can also be done at home.

Avoid smoking and alcohol

Excessive exposure to cigarette smoke and alcohol can damage the immune system. Smokers have a high risk of developing lung infections, such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Meanwhile, for smokers who are also alcoholics, the risk of developing lung infections will be even greater.

Increase body immunity

In addition to adopting a healthy lifestyle, some people choose to consume herbal medicine to increase body immunity. Consumption of herbs can be an option to complement a less nutritious diet.

Washing hands

Washing hands frequently is often underestimated, but this is very important. Frequent hand washing helps reduce early exposure to immune challenges. Make sure to wash it for 20-30 seconds with warm water and antibacterial soap.

Take vitamins

Along with the rainy season, various viruses and bacteria also lurk our health. Well, if you let your guard down, our immune system will weaken, so we are susceptible to disease-causing germs. So that it doesn’t happen, we can consume vitamin C to increase our immunity.

Hopefully the tips above can help you maintain endurance. Especially during the pandemic which is still happening today.



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