entertainment">“I think I should say something about it,” she says in the talk show about her arrival. For her visit to the program Famke prepare herself by writing everything on a cheat sheet, which she then takes out.
entertainment">“I had a lot of respect for corona at first. Corona exists, 100 percent ”, she begins her story. “There is another intention that I want to draw attention to. It’s just about society. We can all be waiting for a second wave. Meanwhile, companies are going bankrupt and people can no longer do their thing. Many people suffer from it. The cabinet does not take this into account enough. ” Earlier in the broadcast, she already indicated that she ‘doesn’t give a shit’ about the one and a half meter rule.
entertainment">She adds: “Apparently you have to use such a hashtag to get attention. I’ve never posted anything about this, that’s why I’m here too. ”
entertainment">Diederik Gommers, chairman of the Dutch Intensive Care Association, which is also present at Jinek, makes it clear that he would like to enter into a conversation with young people. “I just feel that I want to start a conversation with young people. We do not determine what the virus does, the virus determines what it does ”, says Gommers. “I certainly want to talk to you. Do you know what it is? I just stick to my position ”, Famke’s answers.
entertainment">To the question of Jinek why Famke Louise was previously part of a government-funded corona campaign, the singer replies: “Six or seven months ago I didn’t know how the flag would hang for certain people. I think differently about that now. I have called on people: deal with it in the right way. ” She then adds that she would have done it even if she had not received money for it. She also says she has a lot of respect for the people in healthcare and that she does not want to lose weight. Still, she felt called to participate in the protest. “The only thing I want to ask the cabinet is: just show a little more sympathy.”
entertainment">When Jinek asks whether Famke would participate again in an action like #ikdoenietmeermee, she replies: “For this position? This hashtag was necessary, otherwise I wouldn’t be here. ”
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