POSBELITUNG.CO, BELITUNG – A foreign national (WNA) traveling to Belitung, Monday (21/9/2020) exposed to Covid-19.
The foreigner with the initials JL is a 66 year old man.
He is a newcomer from the State French.
But before going to Belitung, the patient who arrived in Indonesia on September 9, 2020, was in Jakarta one night and then went to Belitung and arrived at Negeri Laksar Pelangi on September 11, 2020.
“Upon arrival BelitungThis patient underwent a rapid test, complaining of fever, cough and cold symptoms. The results of the rapid test were non-reactive, “said the Regent Belitung H Sahani Saleh (Sanem) to posbelitung.co, Monday (21/9/2020).
This patient, while traveling to Indonesia, had already done PCR swabs three times.
All of the swab test results were negative.
“I have had a swab, the results were negative and during the rapid test also at our hospital (Belitung) the results were non-reactive, after that they were sent home,” he said.
However, he continued, on September 19, 2020, this patient then came to a private hospital in Tanjungpandan for another rapid test.
The results of the rapid test showed that this patient was reactive.
“There were also complaints at that time, fever and sore throat, and after a radiology check, there was a picture of pneumonia and it was decided that the patient had to undergo independent isolation at his home,” he explained.
H Marsidi Judono District Hospital staff Belitung, Monday (9/21/2020) then decided to take a swab from the patient and test it with a TCM device at the Biomedical Laboratory of the Hospital.
“The results of the rapid test stated that this patient was confirmed positive for Covid-19. Currently the patient is being isolated and observed in the hospital, to determine the severity of the disease to plan for disease management,” he concluded. (posbelitung.co/disa Aryandi)