One step away from the end of the state of alarm on June 21 due to the coronavirus pandemic, the outbreaks that are taking place in some provinces are worrying.
It has been a regrowth in Algeciras, in Cadiz. At least one person has died from coronavirus and three others have tested positive in a local hostel. The other 13 residents remain in quarantine, housed in that place by the city council or in charge of an NGO.
Basque Country
The outbreaks in the hospitals of Basurto and Txagorritxu, in Bilbao and Vitoria, respectively, are already controlled, although throughout the Basque Country ten new positives for coronavirus have been registered in the last hours in PCR tests and 51 in rapid tests.
Castile and Leon
The sprouts in Valladolid in two private residences and a hospital there are 26 infections that are also under control.
The health authorities insist that the focus of La Garrotxa It is controlled by the Public Health Agency and the health services of the Girona region are investigating this outbreak that affected 31 people, of which 20 are workers of the same company and the rest contacts of these.
Canary Islands
Fourteen immigrants have tested positive in the last boat arrival in Fuerteventura. They were traveling in a boat with 39 occupants. For weeks now, the Government of the Canary Islands has been testing those rescued on its coasts and this has made it possible to detect their contagion.
The Ministry of Health of Murcia detected eight positives for coronavirus that belong to the same group of farm workers who arrived last week by bus to the Region of Murcia after fishing in the south of France.