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Q and A .. What are the signs and types of meningitis?

Meningitis is a rare infection of the sensitive membranes – called the meninges – that cover the brainSpinal CordThere are many types of meningitis, and through a set of questions and answers, we learn about the signs and types of meningitis, according to the website.webmd “.

Q: What are the types of meningitis?

Bacterial meningitis

A very serious disease that can be life-threatening or lead to brain damage unless you get prompt treatment.

Several types of bacteria can cause bacterial meningitis, such as: pneumococcus, meningococcus, and others.

In many cases, bacterial meningitis begins when bacteria enter the bloodstream from the sinuses, ears, or throat, and the bacteria travel through the bloodstream to your brain.

The bacteria that cause meningitis can spread when infected people cough or sneeze. If you or your child have been near someone who has bacterial meningitis, ask your doctor what steps you should take to avoid getting it.

Viral meningitis

Viral meningitis is more common than the bacterial form and less dangerous. A number of viruses can cause disease, including several viruses that can cause diarrhea.

Fungal meningitis

Less common than the bacterial or viral forms that healthy people rarely get, you are more likely to develop this type of meningitis if you have an immune system problem, such as AIDS.


Parasitic meningitis

Parasitic meningitis is also rare. It is also caused by parasites that usually affect animals. You can get it from eating animals such as snails, slugs, snakes, fish, or poultry infected with parasites or their eggs, or products that contain parasite eggs. The risk is higher with raw or undercooked foods and you cannot transmit it. This type of meningitis to other people.

Amebic meningitis

Amebic meningitis is a rare, and usually fatal, infection caused by a single-celled insect called amebic meningitis Naegleria fowleri These amoebas live in warm soil or fresh water, but not in salt water.

People usually catch it from swimming in the water where the amoeba lives, not drinking it, and amebic meningitis is not contagious.

Meningitis is not contagious

Non-contagious meningitis is caused by diseases such as lupus or cancer, or if you have had a head injury, had brain surgery, or took certain medications that they are not contagious.

Chronic meningitis

Chronic meningitis has symptoms similar to acute meningitis, but it develops over two weeks. It is caused by a fungal infection or the Mycobacterium bacterium that causes tuberculosis. These organisms enter the tissues and fluids surrounding the brain to cause meningitis.


Q: What are the symptoms of meningitis?

Meningitis symptoms can appear within hours or days and may include:




Numbness in your face

Sensitivity to light

Neck stiffness so that you cannot lower your chin to your chest

Upset stomach or vomiting

Severe headache with nausea or vomiting

Difficulty concentrating


Drowsiness or difficulty waking up

Lack of appetite

Lack of thirst

Rash (with meningococcal meningitis)

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