Oviedo University and Asturian government they have given the green light to protocol that will govern during the process of EBAU which kicks off at the end of this month. As a general rule, they will not be able to access to the test centers those people with symptoms compatible with COVID-19, those who have been diagnosed with the disease and who have not completed the required isolation period or those who are in a period of home quarantine, whether they are candidates, court personnel, teachers, security personnel or cleaning personnel. In this case, the organization will assess alternatives for students in isolation who cannot take the test due to coronavirus.
The document recommends thats aspirants approach on foot from the vicinity of the venues to avoid crowds at the entrance of the venues. He use of mask it is required during access and at all times the meter and a half away Between people, groups cannot be made either inside or outside the venue. He access will be controlled by security forces outside and by the personnel responsible for the test inside. I know will stagger the entrance This will be carried out following the indications on the posters or the staff and both at the entrance and the exit, hand hygiene will be carried out with the available hydroalcoholic solution.
If during the test the student present any doubt that a member of the court must answer individually, both must be protected by masks while they are in closer contact. After the exam, before getting up from the table, they will put on the mask if it had been removed, and the exit of the room will be organized one by one. Other general recommendations are the use of disposable tissues, wear your hair up and Do not share personal items, such as pens.
This year the test, organized by the University of Oviedo and the educational administration of the Principality of Asturias, expands to Siero and Langreo going from seven to nine locations with the aim of redistributing a part of the more than 2,000 applicants who would be examined in Oviedo and reducing the mobility of those who reside in those councils. Also, the EBAU will be held in large spaces, mainly in sports centers, which have been expressly packaged for testing.
Thus, in OviedoThe exam will take place at the Palacio de los Deportes, at the Florida Arena and Corredoria Arena sports centers and at the Campus de los Catalanes and the Padre Ossó Faculty of the University of Oviedo. In Gijón will be held at the Palacio de Deportes de La Guía and at Laboral Centro de Arte, while in Aviles It will be held at the Quirinal Sports Palace. In You see The sports facilities of the Polytechnic School will be used, in Siero the Polideportivo Nuevo and in Langreo the Polideportivo de La Felguera. At West Asturian will be held at the IES in Cangas del Narcea and at the Tapia de Casariego Sports Center, while at the Eastern zone It will take place at the IES Avelina Cerra de Ribadesella.
Apart from all the personnel involved in organizing and conducting the tests, a volunteer campaign so that the students of the University of Oviedo who so wish can collaborate in the organization of the different venues and in support work. Volunteers will receive a certificate and a recognition in free credits.