Elderly union ANBO was curious about what the elderly want to see on Prinsjesdag, so they conducted an investigation. “With 3.2 million people over 65 are the largest electorate,” comments ANBO chairman Liane den Haan. “It’s really alive. Within 1 day we received 2000 surveys back. ”
Four in ten older people have already started to spend less after the outbreak of the corona crisis. Older people therefore have reason to worry. “The elderly have no room in their wallets, the pensions have not been indexed for ten years and the state pension is only increasing slightly,” explains Den Haan.
That while the elderly do expect a tax increase. “More expensive groceries and the health insurance premium are mentioned most often” as the cause of the increase in costs, says Den Haan.
In addition to their own wallets and housing, the elderly also find it very important that the government pays sufficient attention to corona and the consequences of the disease.
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