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Global Scientists Confront EPA’s Climate Denial with Worldwide Evidence


Scientists Rebuke potential Rollback of <a href="https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/climate-change-and-health" title="... - World Health Organization (WHO)"><a href="https://www.noaa.gov/education/resource-collections/climate/climate-change-impacts" title="Climate change impacts - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration">Climate Change</a> <a data-ail="6042171" target="_blank" href="https://www.world-today-news.com/category/health/" >Health</a></a> Finding
health. Experts argue the evidence of global warming's detrimental effects is clear and intensifying.">
health, greenhouse gases, global warming, environmental regulations"> health-finding"> Health Finding">
health. Experts argue the evidence of global warming's detrimental effects is clear and intensifying.">

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Scientists Rebuke Potential Rollback of Climate Change Health Finding

Published: October 26, 2023

Overwhelming Evidence of Climate Change Dangers

Eleven scientists specializing in health and climate issues have voiced their concerns to The Associated Press following reports of the administration’s plans. They point to peer-reviewed studies and challenge the administration to provide scientific justification for altering the current stance. The core argument is that the dangers of greenhouse gases are undeniable and increasingly evident.

There is no possible world in which greenhouse gases are not a threat to public health.
kim cobb, Brown University climate scientist

Kim Cobb, a climate scientist at Brown University, emphasized the basic nature of the threat, stating, “It’s simple physics coming up against simple physiology and biology, and the limits of our existing infrastructure to protect us against worsening climate-fueled extremes.”

The EPA’s 2009 endangerment Finding

The EPA’s original 52-page decision in 2009 established that greenhouse gases endanger public health and welfare. This finding has been the basis for regulations on emissions of carbon dioxide and methane from sources like coal, oil, and natural gas. Lee Zeldin, than Environmental Protection Agency chief, had reportedly pushed the White House for a rewrite of this critical finding.

Dr. Howard Frumkin,a public health professor at the university of Washington and former head of the National Center for Environmental Health,underscored the significance of the 2009 assessment.

Carbon dioxide is the very essence of a perilous air pollutant. The health evidence was overwhelming back in 2009 when EPA reached its endangerment finding,and that evidence has only grown as then. CO2 pollution is driving catastrophic heat waves and storms, infectious disease spread, mental distress, and numerous other causes of human suffering and preventable death.
Dr. howard Frumkin, University of Washington

The 2009 assessment highlighted the detrimental impacts of climate change on various aspects, including air quality, food production, forests, water resources, sea levels, energy infrastructure, and wildlife.

growing Evidence Over the Past Decade

A decade later, in 2019, a review published in the journal Science reaffirmed and expanded upon the 2009 findings.A team of 15 scientists re-evaluated the evidence and concluded that the scientific confidence in the harms of climate change had increased across nearly all categories. The review also found that the dangers to public health,water resources,food security,and air quality were even more severe then initially understood.

The 2019 review added four new categories of harm linked to climate change: national security, economic well-being, violence, and ocean acidification.The scientists cited figures like Trump’s then-defense secretary and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, alongside a pentagon authorization bill signed by Trump, to support the national security concerns.Economic analyses were also referenced,including one study projecting a 3% reduction in U.S. gross domestic product with an additional 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit (1 degree Celsius) of warming,and another estimating economic losses between $4.7 trillion and $10.4 trillion by the end of the century.

the scientific support for the endangerment finding was very strong in 2009. It is much, much stronger now. Based on overwhelming evidence from thousands of studies, the well-mixed greenhouse gases pose a danger to public health and welfare. there is no question.
Chris Field, Stanford university

Chris Field, director of the Stanford University habitat program and co-author of the 2019 Science review, emphasized the overwhelming nature of the evidence.

wide-Ranging Threats to Health

The impacts of climate change on health are extensive and multifaceted. Dr. Courtney Howard, an emergency room physician and vice chair of the Global Climate and Health Alliance, outlined a range of threats, including heat-related illnesses, worsening respiratory conditions, increased risk of diseases carried by insects, and food shortages due to crop failures.

Kristie Ebi, a public health and climate scientist at the University of Washington, highlighted the frequently enough-overlooked issue of reduced nutritional content in crops grown under elevated carbon dioxide levels. She noted that approximately 85% of all plants are affected, leading to decreased protein, vitamins, and micronutrients in staple foods like wheat and rice.

Katharine Hayhoe, an atmospheric scientist at Texas Tech and chief scientist at The Nature Conservancy, emphasized the indirect effects of climate change on human health, describing them as “far-reaching, extensive and devastating.” She also pointed out that rising carbon dioxide levels can even affect cognitive function.

Challenges to Undermining the Science

Scientists express skepticism that the Trump administration will be able to find credible scientific justification for reversing the endangerment finding.

This one of those cases where they can’t contest the science and they’re going to have a legal way around.
Michael Oppenheimer, princeton University

Michael Oppenheimer, a climate scientist at Princeton University, suggested that the administration might resort to legal strategies to circumvent the scientific consensus.

Climate Change’s Health Threat: A Scientific Showdown

Is the undeniable link between climate change and human health now facing a political assault? The very science underpinning crucial environmental regulations hangs in the balance.

Interviewer: dr. Anya Sharma,welcome. You’ve spent decades researching the intersection of climate change and public health. The recent news about a potential rollback of the EPA’s 2009 endangerment finding has sent shockwaves through the scientific community. Can you explain the significance of this finding and why its reversal woudl be so damaging?

Dr. Sharma: The EPA’s 2009 endangerment finding was a landmark decision. It formally established what scientists had been documenting for years: that greenhouse gas emissions, specifically carbon dioxide and methane, pose a ample threat to human health and well-being. This wasn’t a fringe theory; it was a comprehensive assessment based on robust scientific evidence showing the connection between these pollutants and a wide array of negative health outcomes. Reversing this finding would not only undermine years of scientific consensus but would also jeopardize critical environmental regulations designed to mitigate these dangers. It would be a severe setback to our efforts to protect public health from climate change impacts.

Interviewer: The article highlights a chorus of scientists pushing back against this potential rollback. What are the key arguments they’re using?

Dr. Sharma: The scientific community is united in its assessment of the risks. Scientists are presenting overwhelming evidence across multiple disciplines – climatology, epidemiology, public health, and more – demonstrating the severe and increasingly dire consequences of climate change on human health. This isn’t about conjecture; the evidence is clear, conclusive, and growing stronger every year. The arguments center on the undeniable impacts of climate change on:

  • Air quality: Increased heat waves and wildfires lead to respiratory problems and cardiovascular issues.
  • Infectious disease: Warmer temperatures expand the range of disease vectors like mosquitos, increasing the incidence of diseases like malaria, dengue fever, and Zika.
  • Food security: Changes in weather patterns disrupt crop yields, leading to malnutrition and food shortages.
  • Water resources: Droughts and flooding contaminate water supplies and diminish access to clean drinking water.
  • Extreme weather events: hurricanes, floods, and heatwaves cause direct injuries, fatalities, and long-term mental health problems.

Interviewer: The 2019 Science review is mentioned. How did this study build on the 2009 findings?

Dr. Sharma: The 2019 review served as a powerful confirmation and expansion of the 2009 endangerment finding. It not only reaffirmed the existing evidence but also incorporated new research, adding categories of harm that weren’t as fully understood a decade prior.This included the devastating impacts on:

  • National security: Climate change acts as a threat multiplier, exacerbating existing conflicts and creating new ones due to resource scarcity and mass migration.
  • Economic well-being: The economic costs of climate change-related disasters and disruptions are staggering and will only continue to grow.
  • Violence: Studies have linked climate change to increased social unrest and conflict.
  • Ocean acidification: The increasing acidity of the oceans severely impacts marine ecosystems, harming fisheries and food security.

This demonstrates that the scientific understanding of the climate change-health nexus is stronger and more comprehensive today than ever before. The 2019 review underscored the urgency of action and reinforced the validity of the 2009 finding.

Interviewer: What are the potential consequences of ignoring or downplaying the scientific consensus on climate change and health?

Dr. Sharma: Ignoring the overwhelming evidence has profound and far-reaching consequences. We risk exacerbating existing health disparities, leaving the most vulnerable populations disproportionately exposed to the harms of climate change. Delaying action on mitigation and adaptation measures means facing even greater health burdens in the future, including increased mortality rates, higher healthcare costs, and wider societal disruption. We need to move beyond debates about the science itself and focus on implementing effective strategies for climate change mitigation and adaptation to protect human health.

Interviewer: What message

Climate Change Health Crisis: A Scientific Showdown Looms

Are we willing to gamble with public health by ignoring the overwhelming evidence linking climate change to devastating health consequences?

Interviewer: Dr. Anya Sharma,welcome. You’ve spent decades researching the intersection of climate change and public health. The recent news about a potential rollback of the EPA’s 2009 endangerment finding has sent shockwaves through the scientific community. Can you explain the significance of this finding and why its reversal would be so damaging?

Dr.Sharma: The EPA’s 2009 endangerment finding was a monumental decision. It formally acknowledged what scientists had been documenting for years: that greenhouse gas emissions – primarily carbon dioxide and methane – pose a notable threat to human health and well-being.This wasn’t a fringe theory; it was a comprehensive assessment based on robust scientific evidence demonstrating the link between these pollutants and a wide array of negative health outcomes. Reversing this finding would not only undermine decades of scientific consensus but also jeopardize crucial environmental regulations designed to mitigate these dangers.It would represent a severe setback in our efforts to safeguard public health from climate change impacts. The core issue is the undeniable harm caused by the increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Interviewer: The article highlights a chorus of scientists pushing back against this potential rollback. What are the key arguments they’re using?

Dr. Sharma: the scientific community is overwhelmingly united in its assessment of the risks. Scientists are presenting compelling evidence across multiple disciplines – climatology,epidemiology,public health,and more – demonstrating the severe and increasingly dire consequences of climate change on human health. This isn’t about conjecture; the evidence is clear,conclusive,and growing stronger every year. The arguments center on the undeniable impacts of climate change on:

Air Quality: Increased heat waves and wildfires lead to respiratory problems and cardiovascular issues. We’re seeing a significant increase in hospitalizations and mortality rates associated with poor air quality during these events.

Infectious Disease: Warmer temperatures expand the range of disease vectors like mosquitoes, increasing the incidence of diseases like malaria, dengue fever, and Zika. This poses a significant threat to global health security, notably in vulnerable regions.

Food Security: Changes in weather patterns disrupt crop yields,leading to malnutrition and food shortages. This has cascading effects on public health, especially impacting vulnerable populations.

Water Resources: Droughts and flooding contaminate water supplies and diminish access to clean drinking water, leading to waterborne illnesses and sanitation challenges. This is a major concern for public health globally.

Extreme Weather Events: Hurricanes, floods, and heat waves cause direct injuries, fatalities, and long-term mental health problems. The emotional and psychological toll of these events is frequently enough overlooked.

Interviewer: The 2019 Science review is mentioned. How did this study build on the 2009 findings?

Dr. Sharma: The 2019 review served as a powerful confirmation and expansion of the 2009 endangerment finding. It not only reaffirmed the existing evidence but also incorporated new research, adding categories of harm that weren’t as fully understood a decade prior. This included devastating impacts on:

National security: Climate change acts as a threat multiplier, exacerbating existing conflicts and creating new ones due to resource scarcity and mass migration. Climate change destabilizes governments and regions globally, leading to widespread conflict.

Economic Well-being: The economic costs of climate change-related disasters and disruptions are staggering and will only continue to grow. The economic consequences are far-reaching, impacting all sectors of society.

Violence: Studies have linked climate change to increased social unrest and conflict. Resource scarcity and climate migration are key drivers of social instability.

* Ocean Acidification: The increasing acidity of the oceans severely impacts marine ecosystems, harming fisheries and food security.This threatens food sources and biodiversity across the globe.

This demonstrates that the scientific understanding of the climate change-health nexus is stronger and more comprehensive today than ever before. The 2019 review underscored the urgency of action and reinforced the validity of the 2009 finding. The scientific evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable.

Interviewer: What are the potential consequences of ignoring or downplaying the scientific consensus on climate change and health?

Dr. Sharma: Ignoring the overwhelming evidence has profound and far-reaching consequences. We risk exacerbating existing health disparities, leaving the most vulnerable populations disproportionately exposed to the harms of climate change. Delaying action on mitigation and adaptation measures means facing even greater health burdens in the future, including increased mortality rates, higher healthcare costs, and wider societal disruption. We need to move beyond debates about the science itself and focus on implementing effective strategies for climate change mitigation and adaptation to protect human health. The time for action is now. Failure to act will have catastrophic consequences for human health and well-being globally.

Interviewer: Thank you, Dr. Sharma, for yoru insightful perspectives. This interview highlights the critical need for decisive action in addressing the health threats posed by climate change. What final message would you want to leave our readers with?

Dr. Sharma: The scientific consensus is clear: climate change is a grave threat to human health. Ignoring this reality will have devastating consequences. We must prioritize climate action now to safeguard the health and well-being of current and future generations. We must remember that proactive efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change will not only safeguard our habitat but will have far-reaching positive benefits on human health, economic progress, and international stability. Let’s engage in constructive discussions and collaborate on effective strategies to combat the serious medical challenges this crisis presents. Share your thoughts on this urgent issue; let’s make a difference together!

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