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Asteroid 2024 YR4: NASA and ESA Issue Urgent Warning of Potential Earth Impact

Asteroid 2024 ‍YR4 reaches level ⁢3 ‍on the Torino Scale
Asteroid 2024 YR4 is most likely in the range of 40 ‌to⁤ 90 meters (130⁣ to 300 feet) in​ size. This estimate is based⁤ on measurements of the asteroid’s‌ brightness. The size cannot be further constrained without thermal infrared observations, radar observations, or imagery ‍from a ‌spacecraft that ⁢could closely approach the‌ asteroid.
URL: https://cneos.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news210.html

ESA actively monitoring near-Earth asteroid 2024 ‍YR4
This result⁢ is consistent with self-reliant estimates made by NASA’s ⁢Center‍ for Near-earth Object Studies and NEODyS. Asteroid 2024 YR4 is now rated at Level 3 on ​the Torino Impact ⁣Hazard scale: a close⁣ encounter that warrants ⁢attention from astronomers and the public. It is indeed critically important to remember that an asteroid’s impact probability frequently enough …
URL: https://www.esa.int/Space_Safety/Planetary_Defence/ESA_actively_monitoring_near-Earth_asteroid_2024_YR4

NASA Shares Observations of Recently-Identified Near Earth ⁤Asteroid
The asteroid,wich is estimated‌ to be about ⁢130 to 300 feet wide,caught astronomers’​ attention when it rose on the ​NASA automated Sentry risk list on ‌Dec. 31,‍ 2024. the Sentry list includes any known near-Earth asteroids that have a non-zero probability of impacting Earth ⁢in‍ the future.
URL: https://blogs.nasa.gov/planetarydefense/2025/01/29/nasa-s…selles, the risk of 1 “chance”⁣ out of 50.

97 % chance that ⁤he dose not touch us

Actually,as NASA reminds us,it also means that there is more than 97 % chance that it never ​touches us. It should ⁢be continued to ⁢observe‍ it for the ⁢moment, in order to⁢ study more in depth the trajectory it follows, and above ⁣all,‍ if it risks crossing our​ home.

For the moment, we are still‍ limited in ​terms of facts. NASA considers, according to surveys‌ of its brightness, that this geocroiser‌ (the name given to ​asteroids that cross the orbit ⁣of the⁣ earth) Between⁤ 40 and ‍90 meters.

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