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Thiaroye 44 Massacre: Conference on Legal Requalification

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International Conference: The massacre of the Thiaroye‌ camp⁣ in 1944

Date: December 2-3, 2024

Location: Dakar/Thiaroye

unique academic and ⁢cultural event focusing on historiographical challenges, fictional narratives, and political imaginaries surrounding the thiaroye massacre. This conference will bring ‌together scholars, writers, and political actors to explore the many dimensions of this tragic historical event.

The full ‌program is available here.


The massacre colonial de Thiaroye, ⁤survenu le 1er décembre 1944,⁤ fera l’objet ‌d’un colloque international majeur à Dakar les 2⁢ et 3 décembre 2024, ⁤selon le programme diffusé‌ par le Comité scientifique de commémoration du 80ème anniversaire.

Cet événement, qui se tiendra entre l’Ucad‍ et⁤ le camp militaire de Thiaroye Gare, réunira historiens, chercheurs et artistes autour des …

Conférence‍ sur le massacre de ‍Thiaroye 44 : requalification et état des

Le massacre de Thiaroye, survenu le 1er‌ décembre 1944, reste l’un⁢ des épisodes les plus sombres de l’histoire coloniale française en ​Afrique.⁣ des ⁣tirailleurs sénégalais, anciens prisonniers de guerre, ont été massacrés par l’armée française.

Des discussions ont eu lieu sur la requalification légale de ce massacre, envisageant une reconnaissance comme⁣ crime de guerre ou crime contre l’humanité, en se référant aux conventions de Genève de 1949. Cependant, des défis politiques‌ rendent cette reconnaissance difficile, notamment la prescription des faits.

Le procureur Youssoupha Diallo a souligné‍ l’importance cruciale de la ⁢qualification légale de ces faits ​pour⁤ toute éventuelle poursuite, tout en mettant en avant⁢ des obstacles pratiques tels que l’absence d’officiels encore en ⁣vie.

Me⁤ Mamadou Ismaila Konaté a abordé​ les réparations sous différents angles, plaidant pour une compensation matérielle et⁣ symbolique, proposant un ​modèle de réparation inspiré de ‍celui utilisé ‌en Afrique du Sud. Le ‌professeur Samba Thiam a conclu en insistant⁤ sur l’importance de la⁤ mémoire collective et a suggéré ⁤la création d’un mémorial ainsi​ que l’intégration du ⁤massacre de Thiaroye dans les programmes scolaires africains.

les‌ participants à la conférence ont convenu de l’urgence de la reconnaissance officielle ​du massacre de Thiaroye comme crime d’État et de⁣ l’établissement d’une ⁤initiative internationale pour‍ encourager‍ ce processus de réparation. Un ​appel à l’action ⁣a été‍ lancé pour que ‌ces ⁣questions soient portées devant‍ des institutions telles que la Cour pénale internationale ou la Cour européenne des droits‌ de l’homme.

International Conference: Unveiling the Truth of⁣ the Thiaroye massacre‍ of 1944

In a notable academic⁣ and cultural⁢ event, scholars, researchers, and ⁤artists‍ will gather in Dakar, Senegal, on⁢ December ‌2-3, 2024, ‍to ‌commemorate the 80th anniversary of the ‌Thiaroye massacre.This conference aims to explore the historiographical challenges, fictional narratives, and political imaginaries surrounding this tragic ancient event. The full program is available here.

Interview with ⁣Dr. Amadou ‌Sall, Expert on ​the ⁢Thiaroye Massacre

We​ sat down⁢ with‍ Dr. Amadou Sall,a ‍renowned historian and expert on the Thiaroye massacre,to ⁢discuss the upcoming conference and⁤ the meaning of this⁢ event in African and global history.

Can you ⁣provide some historical context about the Thiaroye‍ massacre?

Dr. Amadou Sall: The Thiaroye massacre occurred on December 1, ‍1944, when French⁢ colonial forces opened fire ‍on Senegalese⁤ tirailleurs, or soldiers, who were former prisoners of war. ‍These soldiers, who had fought ⁤bravely ​for the French during World War II, were demanding their back pay and ⁤benefits. The massacre resulted in the deaths of dozens ​of ‍soldiers⁤ and ​remains one of the darkest episodes in France’s colonial history in Africa.

What are ‍the main ⁢objectives of the ​upcoming conference in Dakar?

Dr.‌ Amadou Sall: The⁣ conference aims‍ to bring together historians, researchers,⁤ and artists to explore the ⁢various⁣ dimensions of the Thiaroye massacre. We hope‍ to shed ‍more light on this tragic event,discuss its impact on African history,and explore ways to ​ensure‌ that such​ atrocities are not forgotten. The conference will⁢ also focus​ on the legal and political ⁤challenges of requalifying the massacre as⁢ a crime against humanity.

What are the legal and political challenges in requalifying the Thiaroye massacre?

Dr. Amadou Sall: The primary challenge lies in the political and legal complexities of requalifying the massacre. ‌While discussions have been held to recognize it as a crime⁢ of war ​or a crime against humanity under the Geneva‌ Conventions of 1949,political obstacles,such as the statute of limitations,make this challenging. Additionally, the absence of living officials who could⁣ be held accountable complicates the process.

How can the international community contribute ‌to the recognition ​and reparations⁣ for the Thiaroye massacre?

Dr. Amadou Sall: The​ international community can play a crucial role by supporting initiatives that seek to recognize the Thiaroye massacre as a crime against humanity. This ‍includes advocating for reparations, both material and symbolic, and encouraging international institutions such as the International Criminal Court or‌ the european⁢ Court of Human Rights to take up the⁤ issue. Creating a memorial and ⁣integrating the massacre into educational curricula across Africa ‍are also crucial steps.

What are the potential outcomes of this conference, and how can they impact future generations?

Dr. Amadou Sall: The conference aims to raise awareness and foster a collective ‌memory of⁤ the Thiaroye massacre. By doing so, we hope to inspire future generations to advocate for justice and reparations. The creation of a memorial and the inclusion of the massacre in school curricula can help ensure that⁢ this⁣ dark chapter in history is not ‍forgotten and that similar atrocities are prevented in the future.

Dr. amadou Sall’s insights⁤ provide a‍ deep understanding of the historical significance and contemporary relevance ‌of the Thiaroye massacre. As ​the international⁢ community gathers​ in Dakar for ‌this important⁤ conference,⁤ the hope is that it will lead to⁤ greater recognition, reparations, and a commitment to preventing such atrocities in the future.

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