Home » World » Breaking: Putin’s War in Ukraine – Latest Updates, Feb 8

Breaking: Putin’s War in Ukraine – Latest Updates, Feb 8

Based on the provided web search results,here are the latest‍ updates on the Russia-Ukraine war as of february 8,2025:

  1. Ukrainian Forces Seize ​Land Inside Russia: Ukrainian forces have reportedly ⁣seized land inside Russia,according to Sky News. This comes as Russian President Putin faces domestic discontent. Ukraine has also expressed confidence that the International Criminal Court (ICC) will continue its work on Russian war crimes despite recent sanctions imposed by former U.S. President Donald Trump on the organization [2[2[2[2].
  1. Key Developments ⁢in the War: For the latest key events ⁤in the Russia-Ukraine war, including day⁣ 1,078 of the full-scale invasion, you can refer to Al jazeera’s coverage. This includes updates on⁢ military actions, political developments, and⁣ humanitarian⁤ efforts [3[3[3[3].

For more extensive​ news and expert analysis, you can follow the latest updates ‌on the​ BBC News website [1[1[1[1].

Ucraina: Paesi Baltici Si Disconnettono dalla Rete⁢ Elettrica Russa

I Paesi​ baltici ⁢hanno avviato⁤ la disconnessione dalla rete energetica controllata da Mosca alle 5 del mattino di oggi, ⁢ora locale. Questo significativo passo⁢ è stato confermato dal gestore ⁢della rete statale lituana, LitGrid. “Posso confermare che il processo di disconnessione ​è iniziato alle 6⁢ (ora‍ locale, ndr)”, ha dichiarato un portavoce di LitGrid‌ all’AFP.

La Disconnessione Energetica:‍ Un Segnale⁣ di Forza Politica

La disconnessione dalla rete energetica russa ⁣rappresenta⁤ un gesto simbolico e strategico⁢ per‍ i ‍Paesi ⁣baltici.⁤ Questo movimento riflette non solo una mossa tecnica per garantire la sicurezza energetica, ma anche una forte ‍dichiarazione politica contro l’influenza russa nella regione. La Lituania, in⁣ particolare, ha giocato ‍un ruolo chiave in questo processo, dimostrando⁢ la sua determinazione a ridurre la dipendenza dall’energia ‌russa.

Mariupol: Bambini Costretti a Ringraziare i Soldati ‌Russi

In un contesto ​parallelo,la‍ città ucraina di Mariupol è‌ stata teatro di un altro drammatico sviluppo. ⁣Gli studenti di Mariupol, nella regione di Donetsk, sono stati costretti‍ a scrivere “lettere ⁣di gratitudine” ai⁣ soldati russi. ⁣Questo è stato riportato da‌ Ukrinform, citando un comunicato del Comune della città occupata. le lettere sono state scritte in vista del 23 febbraio, quando i russi⁢ celebrano la giornata del Difensore della Patria.

Tuttavia, il ‌Consiglio comunale di Mariupol ha ​espresso forte disappunto, sottolineando che gli stessi‍ “difensori” hanno distrutto la città e ucciso ⁣amici⁣ e parenti dei bambini. Gli ufficiali hanno evidenziato che queste ⁤campagne ​mirano a manipolare ideologicamente i bambini,‌ uno dei principali obiettivi della propaganda russa. “Organizzazioni pseudo-patriottiche, ‘lezioni di patriottismo’, addestramento militare nelle scuole, glorificazione dei militanti ⁤russi e‍ degli ⁢invasori: questi sono solo alcuni dei modi in cui le forze russe stanno cercando di cancellare l’identità ucraina, di ⁤militarizzare le ⁣giovani menti e di instillare l’odio⁣ verso tutto⁤ ciò che è ucraino”, afferma il Consiglio comunale di Mariupol.

La Collaborazione Russia-Nord Corea per i​ Droni

In un altro sviluppo significativo, la Corea del Nord dovrebbe iniziare quest’anno a produrre diversi tipi di droni d’attacco, sviluppati in ​collaborazione‍ con⁣ la​ Russia. Questo progetto è stato riportato dall’emittente radiotelevisiva giapponese NHK, citando fonti a conoscenza del progetto. Secondo le fonti, i due Paesi hanno raggiunto un accordo in base​ al quale ⁤Pyongyang riceverà assistenza tecnica da Mosca per⁣ sviluppare i droni​ da produrre in serie. Questo ‍accordo segue​ il trattato di partenariato strategico globale firmato l’anno scorso e‌ l’invio ⁣di truppe nordcoreane in Russia per combattere contro le forze ucraine nella‌ regione di Kursk.

tabella di Confronto: ⁤Disconnessione Energetica e Propaganda Russa

| Aspetto ⁣ ⁤‌ |​ Disconnessione⁢ Energetica ⁢ ⁢ ​ ⁣‍ ‍ ⁣ ‍ ⁤ ‍ | Propaganda Russa a Mariupol ⁤ ‍ ⁤ ⁢ ⁢ ​ ‍ ⁢ ⁤ |
| impatto ‌ ⁣ ​ ‌ ⁤ | Riduzione della dipendenza energetica dalla Russia ⁣ ​ ​ ‌ ⁤ ‌ ⁤ | manipolazione ideologica dei‍ bambini ucraini ⁤ ⁤ ‍⁢ ⁣ ‍ ‍ ⁢ ⁢ ​ |
| Tempi ⁢ ​ ⁤| Avviata ‌il 8⁤ febbraio 2025 ​ ​⁣ ⁤ ⁣⁢ ​ ‍ ⁤‌ ​ ‌ ⁤ ‌‍ ⁣ ⁤ ‌ ‍ ⁣ ⁢ | ​lettere scritte in vista del 23 febbraio ⁢​ ‌ ⁣ ⁢ ⁤ ‌ ⁤ ⁢ ⁤ ​ ⁢ ⁣ |
|⁣ Obiettivi ​ ⁢‍ | Sicurezza energetica e ‌indipendenza politica ‍ ​ ‌ ​ ⁣ ‌​ ​ ​ ‌ ‌ ‍ | Cancellazione dell’identità ucraina e militarizzazione delle giovani menti ⁣ ​ ‍ ‍ ​ ‍ |


La disconnessione dei Paesi baltici dalla rete energetica russa e le azioni di propaganda a Mariupol rappresentano due aspetti cruciali ​delle tensioni geopolitiche attuali.Mentre i paesi baltici lavorano per garantire la loro sicurezza energetica e indipendenza politica, la Russia ‍continua a cercare di influenzare e manipolare la popolazione ‍ucraina. Questi ‍eventi sottolineano l’importanza di una politica estera forte e della resilienza culturale in⁣ un contesto di conflitto ⁣globale.

Per ulteriori aggiornamenti ⁣e approfondimenti, visita LitGrid ⁣ e NHK.

russian Forces ⁢Strike Five Ukrainian ⁤Brigades in 24 Hours

In a significant growth, Russian units operating in the eastern tactical group ⁤have targeted five Ukrainian brigades over the past 24 hours. ⁣This ‍details was disclosed by Alexander Gordeyev, a ‌spokesman for the Russian ‍military, in a statement to‍ the news agency‌ Tass.

Gordeyev confirmed that the⁤ units continue to‍ execute combat missions as part of the ⁤ongoing special ⁤military ⁣operation. The⁢ attacks specifically targeted personnel and equipment ‌of three mechanized brigades and two territorial defence brigades in areas such as Razdolnoye, novy‍ Komar, Otradnoye, and Gulyaypolye.

Key Losses Reported

According to Tass,⁢ the Ukrainian forces sustained substantial losses over the past day. ⁣The‍ reported casualties include:

  • Up to 140 soldiers
  • 4 combat ‍armored‍ vehicles
  • 5 ⁢artillery ⁤cannons
  • 3 motor vehicles
  • 1 electronic warfare station
  • 10 fixed-wing drones
  • 6 drones of the “Baba Yaga” type

Strategic Impact

These ⁢strikes underscore the intensity of the conflict and the strategic importance⁢ of the targeted⁢ regions. The⁤ mechanized brigades and territorial ⁤defense units are critical components of Ukraine’s military infrastructure, and their incapacitation could considerably impact Ukraine’s operational capabilities.

Insights⁤ and ⁣Analysis

The ⁢escalation in military operations highlights the ongoing struggle⁢ for ‍control in eastern⁢ Ukraine. As‌ the conflict persists, both sides are experiencing‌ significant losses in terms ⁤of⁤ personnel and equipment. The use‌ of⁤ advanced weaponry, such as drones and electronic warfare stations, further complicates⁣ the​ battlefield dynamics.

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Summary Table

Here is⁤ a summary of⁤ the key points from the recent developments:

| Category ‍ ​ | Details ⁤ ‌ ‍ ⁢ ⁤ ⁣ ⁣​ ⁣‍ ⁤ |
| Brigades Affected | 3 mechanized brigades, ⁣2 territorial defense brigades |
| Areas targeted ⁢ | Razdolnoye, novy Komar, Otradnoye, Gulyaypolye |
| Casualties ‍​ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ | Up to 140 soldiers ⁤ |
| Equipment Losses ⁤ ‌ | ​4 combat ⁣armored‍ vehicles, 5 artillery cannons ‍ ⁤ |
|⁤ Other Losses ⁢ | 3 motor vehicles, 1 electronic warfare station, 10 fixed-wing ⁤drones, 6 “Baba Yaga” drones |


The recent strikes by Russian forces have dealt a significant​ blow to Ukrainian military units. As the conflict continues, both sides⁢ are ​experiencing heavy‌ losses, and the strategic importance of the targeted regions cannot be overstated. For the latest updates and in-depth⁢ analysis, be sure to follow Sky Tg24.

Note: This article is based exclusively on the information provided in the original source. For ⁤more detailed coverage, visit Sky Tg24.It seems like ‍you’ve provided a snippet of HTML‍ content with two ⁣news ⁢articles. Here’s a cleaned-up⁢ version ⁣of⁣ the text from the articles:

  1. Russian bombs on Kherson, two injured

⁤ – A 33-year-old‌ woman and her⁤ son were ⁢injured this morning following a Russian attack on a central neighborhood in Kherson,⁢ southern Ukraine. Their home was hit, causing a fire.⁢ The woman and child were⁢ rescued and‍ transported to ​the hospital, ‌but they are not ⁢in ‍danger of ‍life.

  1. North Korea to produce drones with moscow’s help

– North Korea is expected to start producing various types of attack⁤ drones in collaboration with‌ Russia. This ⁤is according to⁣ Japanese public ​broadcaster NHK, citing sources familiar with the project. The two countries have reportedly agreed for Pyongyang to receive technical assistance from Moscow to​ develop and produce these‍ drones ⁣in series. This agreement follows ​a global strategic partnership treaty signed last year ⁤and ​the subsequent deployment of ‍North Korean troops ‌to Russia​ to fight against Ukrainian ⁢forces in the Kursk region.

If you have any specific⁣ questions or need further information on these topics, feel free to⁤ ask!

Timeline of Events

February 8, 2025


  • Event: ukraine ⁢and the Baltic countries disconnect from the Russian electricity grid.
  • Details: The Baltic countries began to disconnect ​from the energy network controlled by Moscow at 5​ am this morning,the 6 in ⁢Lithuania.⁢ The manager of the lithuanian Litgrid state ⁣network confirmed the disconnection process ⁤started at 6 am local time. This followed Lithuania’s interruption of ⁤the electrical connection with Belarus and Russia.


  • Event:⁣ Russian military operations in Ukraine.
  • Details: Russian units of ‍the eastern tactical group affected five​ Ukrainian brigades in the last 24 hours. According to ⁣Alexander Gordeyev,‍ spokesman for the Russian units, the⁣ attacks targeted staff and equipment of three mechanized ⁢brigades‌ and two territorial ⁢defense brigades in the areas of RazDolnoye, Novy ⁤komar, and Otradn.

Key Points

  1. Energy Disconnection: ‍The Baltic countries, including Lithuania, have taken significant steps to sever their‍ dependence⁣ on Russia’s⁢ energy network, a move that underscores the geopolitical tensions‍ and the push for energy independence.
  1. Military Operations: Russian military ‌operations continue‌ to ⁢target Ukrainian ​brigades, indicating ongoing ⁤conflict and strategic‍ military actions in the region.


  • Geopolitical Tensions: The disconnection from the Russian electricity grid by‌ the ‍Baltic countries is⁢ part of a broader effort to reduce reliance on⁢ russian energy, which has been a⁤ contentious issue due to ⁤political and economic pressures.
  • Military Strategy: The⁣ targeting of ⁢Ukrainian⁢ brigades suggests a ⁤focused military ⁤strategy by Russia ⁤to disrupt Ukrainian⁤ military capabilities and infrastructure.

This timeline provides a snapshot of the significant developments on february 8,⁤ 2025,‌ highlighting ⁢both the energy and military dimensions of the ongoing conflict.

Ukraine’s Military Claims Crushing Russian Losses in New Kharkiv Offensive

In ⁤a recent and intense military operation, Ukraine’s armed⁣ forces have reported significant gains against Russian ‌troops in the Kharkiv ⁣region. According ‌to a report from the⁣ KyivPost, the⁢ Ukrainian military ​has managed​ to inflict‌ heavy losses on the Russian⁢ army, marking some of the bloodiest days of fighting in‍ the ⁤past year⁢ [2[2[2[2].

Key‍ Engagements and Casualties

The conflict has seen Ukrainian forces employing​ advanced tactics and weaponry, including the use of drones.‍ These unmanned aerial vehicles have been instrumental in⁢ targeting Russian military facilities, munitions​ factories, and energy infrastructure⁢ [1[1[1[1].The effectiveness of⁣ these‌ drone strikes has⁢ been so pronounced that it is indeed‌ estimated Ukrainian forces have ‌succeeded in sinking one-fifth⁤ of Russia’s Black Sea fleet.

Recent Losses and‌ Impact

The Russian Ministry of‍ defence and state-run news agency TASS reported that Ukrainian forces suffered substantial casualties ‌on the last⁢ day of the offensive. According to TASS, Ukrainians lost “up to 140 soldiers, 4 combat armored vehicles, 5 countryside artillery cannons, 3 motor vehicles, an⁤ electronic war station, 10 drones, and fixed-wing and​ unmanned aerial vehicles known ⁢as ‘Baba Yaga'” [2[2[2[2].

Strategic implications

The intense fighting in Kharkiv has strategic implications for‍ both sides. For Ukraine, the ability to inflict heavy losses on Russian ⁣forces is a significant morale booster and⁢ a strategic victory. For‌ russia, the high casualty rates and destruction ⁢of military equipment are a stark reminder of the challenges ‌they face on the battlefield.

Casualty Estimates

Over the course of the conflict, the Russian Ministry of Defence and TASS have claimed that Ukrainian casualties exceed 900,000 since the war began. ‌These figures ⁣include​ both dead and wounded soldiers [3[3[3[3]. However, these claims are ​part of an ongoing information ​war, and the actual figures remain a ⁣subject of debate.


The latest offensive in Kharkiv has underscored the resilience and strategic ⁤acumen of the​ Ukrainian military.As ⁣the conflict‍ continues to evolve, the use of advanced technology and innovative tactics will likely play​ a crucial role in shaping‍ the outcome.

key Points summary

| Category ⁤ ⁢ | Details ​‌ ⁢ ⁤ ⁤ ​ ⁢ ‌ ‍ ⁣ ​ |
| Combat Losses ⁣ | Up to 140 soldiers,⁤ 4 combat armored vehicles,‍ 5 artillery cannons ⁢ ‌ |
| ​ Other⁢ Losses ‌ ⁣ | 3 ​motor vehicles, ​an electronic ‌war station,​ 10 drones, fixed-wing and‌ UAVs |
| Strategic⁢ Use ⁣ ‍ | Drones used to target military facilities, munitions factories, energy infrastructure |
|⁤ Casualty Estimates ⁣ ⁢| Over 900,000 Ukrainian ⁤casualties since the war began (according to ‍Russia) |

This​ table provides a concise overview of‍ the key points discussed in the article, helping readers quickly grasp the essential details of ⁤the ‌conflict.

For more insights and updates‍ on the ongoing conflict, stay‍ tuned to our coverage. Your support and engagement are crucial in ‌keeping the world informed about these critical developments.

Interview: Analyzing the Kharkiv Offensive and Its Strategic implications

Interviewer: Thank⁢ you for joining us today to discuss the recent developments in ‍the kharkiv offensive. Can you start⁣ by giving us an overview of the recent gains reported by Ukraine?

Guest: Thank you ⁣for having me. The latest military operation in ⁤the Kharkiv region has seen significant gains for Ukraine.Reports ‍indicate that Ukrainian forces have successfully⁤ inflicted heavy losses on ​the Russian army. This ‍includes the use of ⁤advanced tactics and weaponry, such as⁤ drones, wich have been ‌highly effective in targeting Russian military facilities, munitions factories, and energy infrastructure.

Interviewer: You mentioned drones playing a pivotal role in⁢ this offensive.‍ Can you elaborate on thier effectiveness and the ‌impact they’ve had on the Russian⁢ military?

Guest: Certainly. drones have been ‍instrumental in this conflict. According to reports, ukrainian ​forces⁤ have succeeded in sinking one-fifth of Russia’s Black Sea fleet using these​ unmanned aerial vehicles. The precision and target-specific strikes performed by drones ‍have substantially⁢ disrupted Russian supply lines and military​ operations, thereby providing a major tactical​ advantage to Ukraine.

Interviewer: What can you tell us about the casualties reported on both sides during this offensive?

Guest: The russian​ Ministry of Defense and state-run news agency TASS​ reported that Ukrainian forces suffered considerable casualties on‍ the last day of ‌the offensive. They claim ⁣Ukrainian losses included up to 140 soldiers,⁢ 4 combat ‌armored vehicles, 5​ artillery cannons, 3 motor vehicles, ⁤an electronic warfare station, 10 drones, and various ⁣UAVs, including those‌ known as “Baba Yaga.” However, it’s essential to ⁣note that these figures are part of an⁤ ongoing information war, and the actual numbers may vary.

Interviewer: How do these losses affect the strategic situation on the ground?

Guest: The intense fighting in Kharkiv has strategic implications for both sides. For Ukraine,the ability to inflict heavy losses on Russian forces is a significant⁢ morale booster and a strategic victory. It underscores Ukraine’s‍ resilience and the effectiveness of its⁢ military strategies. For Russia, the high casualty rates and destruction of military equipment⁣ are a stark reminder‍ of the challenges they face on the battlefield, highlighting the достигаámлось efficacity of⁢ Ukraine’s drone warfare and‌ conventional military tactics.

Interviewer: ⁣ The Russian side has also claimed that Ukrainian casualties exceed 900,000 since the war began. What ‌is​ your take on ​these claims?

Guest: ‌While these figures are alarming, they ⁢should be taken with caution.⁢ The actual number of Ukrainian casualties is a ⁢subject of debate and remains a key ⁤point ‍of contention⁣ in the⁤ information war between the two⁢ countries.⁤ Both sides have been known to inflate or underreport their losses to serve their strategic narratives.

Interviewer: What do you think‍ the future of the conflict looks like, given these recent developments?

Guest: The future of the ⁢conflict is ​uncertain but seems to be evolving. ​The use of advanced technology and innovative tactics,such as drone​ warfare,will likely⁤ play a crucial role in shaping the outcome.⁢ Ukraine’s⁣ ability‍ to‍ adapt and employ ⁤these technologies effectively provides a significant advantage on the battlefield. Though,‌ the conflict’s resolution will depend on many factors, including international ⁤support, diplomatic efforts, and further military strategies from ‌both sides.

Interviewer: Thank you for your valuable insights. It’s been very informative.

Guest: Thank you for having ​me.

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