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Cryoablation Shows Promise in Reducing Breast Cancer Recurrence

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Ultrasound-Guided Breast Cancer Cryoablation – PubMed

OBJECTIVE: Percutaneous ultrasound-guided breast cryoablation is a minimally invasive technique that‍ kills⁢ targeted tissue with extreme cold, requires only local anesthesia,‍ and ​takes less than 45 ​minutes too complete.
CONCLUSION: We‍ discuss the indications ⁣for breast cryoablation, the …
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Breast Cryoablation: Techniques, Indications, and Challenges

Ultrasound-guided cryoablation for ​mass in the right breast‍ at 10 o’clock. The cryoprobe is​ inserted through the center of the mass on‌ ultrasound, extending past the margin of the mass.⁤ e, f Images demonstrate the ice ball⁢ in long and short axis which should be‍ twice the size of⁢ the mass by the second⁤ freeze cycle. Pathology demonstrated …
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Ultrasound-Guided ‍Cryoablation: Minimally ‌Invasive breast Cancer ‍Treatment

Breast cancer treatment has advanced‌ considerably over the years, with​ various methods ⁤being employed to improve​ patient outcomes.⁣ One such innovative method is ultrasound-guided cryoablation, which offers a safe, effective,‌ and minimally invasive outpatient procedure …
[Read more](https://healthmanagement.org/pdf/article/ultrasound-guided-cryoablat…se trends over a range of ‌pathologic‌ breast cancer subtypes and⁣ sizes.

The ‍study included 60 ‍women who were treated via ultrasound-guided ‌cryoablation between 2018 and 2023. ⁤Of the​ total women, 45 had⁣ invasive ductal carcinoma, six had invasive lobular carcinoma, two had multicentric ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), and⁢ seven had other histology. Tumor size ranged from‌ 0.3 cm​ to 9 cm, with an ⁣average of 2.7 cm.

Compared with women with no recurrence, ⁢women in ⁢the recurrence group had⁤ more poorly ​differentiated disease (66.7% vs. 22.2%, p = 0.038).⁣ Tumor size did​ not differ between⁢ nonrecurrence and recurrence groups. While the nonrecurrence group had an average of 2.7 cm,the recurrence group had an average of 2.5 cm (p = 0.506).

The ​researchers also ​observed a important age ⁣difference between women who were treated with palliative intent (79.7 years) ⁤rather ‌than curative ‌intent (72.5 ⁣years, p = 0.032).

four women experienced ⁤skin injuries with ‌blistering due to the ice ball formed through the procedure. The ⁢researchers noted that⁣ all recovered within⁣ one to two weeks through conservative management using silver sulfadiazine.

With these results in mind, the study authors highlighted cryoablation as a “promising”‍ treatment option for ⁣these women.

The ‍study can⁤ be accessed in its entirety here.

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