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Understanding the Pain of Dying from a Heart Attack: What You Need to Know

Is‌ Dying ⁢from a Heart Attack Painful? A Deep Dive into the Experience

When someone collapses,clutching their ​chest,it’s often assumed they’re having a heart attack. but is this⁢ moment as painful as it looks? And what about ‍the moment of death itself? To answer these questions, we turned to Marielle Emmelot-Vonk, a⁣ professor of clinical ‌geriatrics at UMC Utrecht, who⁤ sheds light on the nuances of heart attacks, cardiac arrest, and the experience of dying.

Understanding⁢ the Difference: Heart Attack vs. Cardiac Arrest

“Eventually,‍ everyone who dies⁤ stops the ‍heart,” Emmelot explains.​ Though, the term⁣ cardiac arrest is used only ​when the heart’s ‍failure to pump is the ⁤direct cause of death. As ‌an ⁣example, if someone‌ dies from​ pneumonia, their heart stops due to lack of oxygen or severe infection, but this⁣ isn’t classified ⁣as cardiac arrest.

A heart attack, medically termed a myocardial infarction, occurs when one or more ⁣coronary arteries—responsible for​ supplying⁢ blood to the‌ heart muscle—become blocked, often due to a blood ‍clot⁢ caused by arterial calcification. This ⁢lack of oxygen damages the heart muscle, impairing its ability to pump or causing a heart rhythm disorder, which can lead to ‌cardiac arrest.‍

Another potential cause of cardiac arrest is heart failure, where the heart becomes ⁣”exhausted” from overworking due to conditions like vascular damage, high ⁤blood pressure, defective​ heart valves, or heart muscle disease.

The Pain of a Heart Attack ​

In the Netherlands,heart⁣ attacks claim about ‌ five thousand lives annually,with around 37,000 hospitalizations,two-thirds of which are ​men. “Three quarters of people‌ with a⁤ heart attack experience enormous pressure on the ​chest,” ​Emmelot says. ​”As if ⁢a belt ‍is being ⁢put​ on very tightly. ⁢Or as⁤ if an elephant stands on yoru ⁣chest.” This pain, caused by oxygen deprivation⁢ in the heart muscle, can radiate to the left arm or jaw.

If a heart attack leads to cardiac arrest, the person loses consciousness within ten seconds.”Then you ⁣don’t ‌notice it anymore,” Emmelot emphasizes. Those who are successfully resuscitated frequently enough report, “It became black in front of the eyes, and I don’t know anything from afterwards.” However, they may wake up with pain, as resuscitation can⁣ sometimes result in broken ribs.

The ⁣Moment of Death

If resuscitation isn’t attempted ‌or fails, the person remains unconscious. “After four to six⁣ minutes, serious brain damage occurs ​due to lack⁣ of oxygen, and after about ten minutes, the person really dies,” Emmelot explains. “We assume that people don’t notice it.”

Even in cases⁢ of death from other causes, stopping‌ the⁣ heart itself is unlikely​ to be painful. ‌”There are stories ​from people with near-death experiences: that they saw a gorgeous light‌ or other images,” Emmelot notes.”These people report no pain​ to the best of‍ my knowledge. That is a nice idea, right?”

A Silent Threat: Heart Attacks ⁢Without Pain

Emmelot‌ highlights a critical ‌point: “A heart attack presents itself differently in a​ quarter of the people, without pain. Manny of them are women or the elderly.” These individuals may experience non-specific symptoms like shortness of breath,⁤ nausea, abdominal ⁣pain, dizziness, or sudden‌ tiredness. “As a result, the heart attack with them is sadly more often missed. We have to be alert to that.”⁣

Key Takeaways⁤

| Aspect ⁢ | Details ​ ‍ ‌ ​ ⁢ ⁢ ⁢ |
|‌ Heart Attack ​ ​ | Blocked coronary⁤ arteries cause chest pain, often radiating to the arm or jaw. |
| ‍ Cardiac Arrest ⁤ |⁤ Heart stops pumping, leading to unconsciousness within seconds.​ ​ |
| Pain⁣ During Death | Unlikely; unconsciousness occurs quickly. ‍ ⁢ ⁤ ⁤ ‌ ‌ |
| Silent Heart Attacks | 25% of cases, especially in​ women and the ⁢elderly, present without chest pain.⁣ |

Understanding these distinctions and‍ symptoms ‌can save lives.⁤ If you or someone around you experiences unusual symptoms, seek medical attention promptly. Awareness and⁣ prompt action are key⁣ to preventing tragedy.

For more​ facts on heart health, ‍visit the American Heart Association or explore resources on heart attack symptoms in women. Stay informed, stay vigilant,⁣ and take care of ​your heart.

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