The government of Javier Milei, in its role as employer, has intensified its efforts to moderate salary increases by approving a 1.5% raise for January and a 1.2% increase for February for national public governance employees. This decision has sparked significant backlash, especially from the state workers’ union ATE, which rejected the proposal and signed in dissent. Simultaneously occurring, UPCN, the majority union, accepted the offer after negotiators agreed to increase the attendance bonus from 31,000 to 50,000 pesos and excluded the proposed 1.1% raise for March from the package.
Rodolfo Aguiar, head of ATE, revealed that salaries in 2024 fell by 40%, while UPCN reported losses exceeding 14%. “We feel bitter because the wage agreement remains below inflation. At least we managed to improve the attendance bonus,” a UPCN leader close to andrés Rodríguez, the union’s historic chief, told LA NACION.
The government’s approach has deepened tensions with state unions. Aguiar criticized the agreement, stating, “This is a wage negotiation that not only fails to improve but worsens the income crisis in the public sector. It continues to be used to discipline and condition othre salary negotiations in both public and private sectors. To achieve fiscal balance, the pockets of state workers and retirees are being raided.” He added, “Since Milei took office, we’ve lost over forty points, and now they’re offering us an increase that doesn’t even reach 3% for the two-month period. This is undoubtedly a provocation that will accelerate conflict within the state.”
The ongoing dispute highlights the challenges of balancing fiscal duty with workers’ demands. For a deeper dive into the issue, read the full article here.
| Key Points | Details |
| Salary Increases | 1.5% for January, 1.2% for February |
| Attendance Bonus | Increased from 31,000 to 50,000 pesos |
| Union Reactions | ATE rejected the proposal; UPCN accepted with conditions |
| Salary Losses (2024) | ATE: 40%; UPCN: 14% |
| Government’s Goal | Moderate salary increases to achieve fiscal balance |
The conflict underscores the broader economic challenges facing Argentina under Milei’s administration. As the government seeks to stabilize the economy,the impact on public sector workers remains a contentious issue. For more insights,explore the full coverage here.facundo Jones Huala Faces Legal Action as RAM Declared a Terrorist Organization
In a recent progress, Facundo Jones Huala, the prominent Mapuche leader, has come under fire for his public endorsement of armed struggle. During the launch of his book Entre Rejas, Antipoesía incendiaria in Bariloche, jones Huala reaffirmed his affiliation with the Resistencia Ancestral Mapuche (RAM), a group he described as “demonized but existing.” He also expressed support for the Facción Autónoma de Liberación Mapuche Puelwillimapu, which claimed responsibility for an attack on a ranch near Esquel.
The event, held at the Biblioteca Aimé Paine, was attended by a small group, including his mother, María Isabel Huala. Jones Huala’s statements have sparked significant backlash, prompting Argentina’s Minister of security, Patricia bullrich, to take decisive action. In a post on X (formerly Twitter),Bullrich announced,“Last week,he was released after attempting to steal cars. Now, Jones Huala is endorsing armed struggle and the attacks committed against individuals, as well as the fires that destroyed properties and claimed a life in the El Bolsón and Epuyén areas.”
Bullrich outlined two key measures in response: “First, we will declare the RAM a terrorist organization and register it in the Registry of Terrorist Organizations. Second, we will file a criminal complaint against Facundo Jones Huala as the leader of this organization, for direct incitement and explicit calls to armed struggle.”
This move marks a significant escalation in the government’s stance on the Mapuche conflict, which has seen increasing tensions over land rights and indigenous autonomy.
Money market Funds Face Declining Yields Amid Regulatory Changes
In the financial sector, money market funds, known for their liquidity and daily returns, are expected to see a decline in performance in the coming weeks. Analysts predict that the nominal annual rate (TNA) could drop from the current 30% to 25%, following recent regulatory changes by the Central Bank of argentina (BCRA).
These funds, which gained popularity with the rise of digital wallets, have become a go-to investment option in a high-inflation environment. They are composed of traditional fixed-term deposits, pre-cancelable fixed-term deposits, remunerated accounts, and repurchase agreements (cauciones). Though, recent modifications to these instruments have led to a reduction in yields.
The BCRA’s Dialog A8189 mandates that pre-cancelable fixed-term deposits within money market funds be treated as time deposits and later as sight deposits. this change effectively lowers the interest rates these funds can offer, impacting their attractiveness to investors.
Key Points at a Glance
| Topic | Details |
| Facundo Jones Huala | Faces criminal charges for inciting armed struggle; RAM declared terrorist |
| Money Market Funds | Yields expected to drop from 30% to 25% TNA due to BCRA regulations |
| Regulatory Changes | Pre-cancelable deposits reclassified, impacting fund performance |
What’s Next?
As the government tightens its grip on organizations like the RAM, the Mapuche conflict remains a contentious issue. Meanwhile, investors in money market funds must brace for lower returns amid shifting financial regulations.
For more updates on these developments, stay tuned to our coverage.
Engage with us: What are your thoughts on these measures? Share your opinions in the comments below.
Cristina Kirchner Fires Back at Government Over Allegations of Misused Zonal Bonus
Table of Contents
- Alberto Fernández Faces Dual Legal Challenges Amid political Shifts in Pinamar
- Legal Troubles for alberto Fernández
- Pinamar’s Political Scene: A Quiet Start to 2025
- Key Points at a Glance
- A Year of Strategy and Scrutiny
- Diputados de Unión por la Patria deciden no dar quorum para la reforma electoral
In a fiery response to recent accusations by the Argentine government,former President Cristina Kirchner took to social media to defend herself against claims that she improperly received a zonal bonus based on her residency in Santa Cruz.The allegations,brought forward by the Ministry of human Capital under Sandra Pettovello,have sparked a heated exchange between kirchner and the administration of President Javier Milei.
The Allegations and Kirchner’s Defense
The government accused Kirchner of fraudulently claiming a zonal bonus,a financial benefit granted to individuals residing in remote or less-developed areas of the country.In her lengthy post on X (formerly Twitter), Kirchner dismissed the claims as baseless and criticized the officials involved, including the head of ANSES, whom she referred to as “the donkey from ANSES.”
“Che Milei… ¿Ahora vos también, como Mauricio Macri, me denunciás en Comodoro Py y mandás a la burra que te hace Reiki y le saca la comida a los pobres y al otro burro que pusiste en la ANSES, recién llegado de sus vacaciones en México, a que hagan la berretada de decir que mi domicilio no es en Santa Cruz?” Kirchner wrote.
She further defended her actions by referencing a court ruling that not only upheld her right to pensions as a former president and widow of a former president but also awarded her retroactive payments with interest for the years during which she was denied these benefits under the Macri administration.“Que te cuente el burro de ANSES lo que hice con la sentencia que no sólo reconoció mi derecho a las pensiones como ex Presidenta y como viuda de un ex Presidente, sino también el retroactivo más sus intereses por todo lo que no había percibido durante los años de la gestión macrista que me las había quitado y, además, me eximió de pagar el impuesto a las ganancias ordenando la devolución de las sumas descontadas por ese concepto con más sus intereses,” she stated.Kirchner also highlighted her decision to forgo the retroactive payments and the tax exemption during a time of national financial crisis, emphasizing her commitment to the country’s well-being.
A Broader Political Critique
Beyond the immediate allegations, Kirchner used the opportunity to criticize Milei’s political consistency, accusing him of hypocrisy. “No soy como vos que cuando eras Diputado votaste por la derogación del Impuesto a las ganancias y ahora, como presidente, lo pusiste de vuelta. Lo dicho. Sos un cachivache… No sólo negás lo que decís, sino que borrás con el codo lo que escribís con la mano… y, al final, sos igual de casta que Macri,” she concluded.
Key Points at a Glance
| Aspect | Details |
| Accusation | Kirchner allegedly misused a zonal bonus based on her residency in Santa Cruz. |
| kirchner’s Defense | Cited a court ruling affirming her right to pensions and retroactive payments. |
| Political Critique | Accused Milei of inconsistency and hypocrisy in tax policy. |
| Social Media platform | posted on X (formerly Twitter). |
What’s Next?
The public exchange underscores the ongoing tensions between Kirchner and the current administration. As the legal and political battle unfolds, the case is highly likely to remain a focal point in Argentina’s broader political discourse.
For more details on the government’s allegations and Kirchner’s full response, read the complete note here.
What do you think about this latest development? Share your thoughts in the comments below.Javier Milei y Donald Trump se Reunirán en la Cumbre Conservadora CPAC
El presidente argentino Javier Milei se prepara para su noveno viaje a Estados Unidos, donde se reunirá con el flamante presidente Donald Trump en la Conferencia Política de Acción Conservadora (CPAC), según confirmaron fuentes cercanas a las conversaciones. Este encuentro,programado para la semana del 18 de febrero,marca la segunda visita de Milei a EE. UU. en lo que va del año, tras su asistencia a la asunción de Trump en enero.
La CPAC, un evento que reúne a líderes de la derecha global, tendrá a Trump como orador de cierre, mientras que Milei será el penúltimo en tomar la palabra. Aunque aún no se ha confirmado oficialmente, se espera que ambos mandatarios sostengan una reunión bilateral durante el evento.
este no será el primer encuentro entre milei y Trump. En noviembre de 2024, el presidente argentino asistió a la Gala del America First Policy Institute en Mar-a-Lago, la residencia de Trump en Palm Beach, Florida. El evento, organizado para apoyar a Gray Team, una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a prevenir el suicidio militar, fue la segunda vez que ambos líderes se reunieron. La primera ocasión fue durante la CPAC del año pasado, cuando Milei acababa de asumir la presidencia y Trump iniciaba su campaña para un segundo mandato, que finalmente logró tras derrotar a la demócrata Kamala Harris.
El viaje de Milei a EE. UU. también rompe con la tradición estadounidense de no invitar a mandatarios extranjeros a eventos políticos clave. Trump, conocido por su enfoque disruptivo, ha mantenido una relación cercana con el líder libertario argentino, consolidando una alianza que ha generado expectativas en ambos países.
Tabla: Cronología de Encuentros entre milei y Trump
| Fecha | Evento | Ubicación |
| Febrero 2023 | CPAC | EE. UU. |
| Noviembre 2024 | Gala del America First Policy Institute | Mar-a-Lago, Florida |
| Enero 2025 | Asunción de Trump | EE. UU. |
| Febrero 2025 | CPAC | EE. UU. |
Este nuevo encuentro entre Milei y Trump se da en un contexto político complejo, tanto en Argentina como en EE. UU. Mientras Milei enfrenta debates internos sobre la suspensión de las PASO, trump continúa consolidando su influencia en la política conservadora global.
Para más detalles sobre este evento y su impacto político, lee la nota completa aquí.La relación entre ambos líderes no solo refleja una alianza estratégica, sino también una convergencia ideológica que podría tener repercusiones significativas en el escenario internacional.Amnistía Internacional Desmiente Pago a Lali Espósito por Asistencia a Marcha Antifascista
Amnistía Internacional ha salido al frente para desmentir rotundamente los rumores que circulaban en redes sociales sobre un supuesto pago de 200 millones de pesos a la cantante Lali Espósito para que asistiera a la marcha antifascista realizada el pasado sábado en el centro porteño. La organización calificó la imagen del contrato como falsa y editada, asegurando que nunca se llegó a ningún acuerdo con la artista.
El escándalo comenzó cuando varios usuarios de la red social X, conocidos por su apoyo al gobierno de Javier Milei, compartieron una imagen que supuestamente mostraba un contrato entre Amnistía Internacional y Lali Espósito. Sin embargo, este martes, la organización publicó un comunicado en su cuenta de Instagram desmintiendo la información y ridiculizando la falsificación.
“Más trucho que billete de tres pesos”, comenzó el posteo. “Nunca le pagamos nada a Lali.Usan deliberadamente el logo de Infobae y el nombre de Amnistía Internacional para darle ‘credibilidad’ a un documento que ni siquiera tiene la información básica que necesita un contrato para ser válido. el ‘diseño’ del contrato, chicos, por favor, está hecho con herramientas medievales (una coincidencia con la narrativa oficial). Solo un Fanático podría hacer esto por nosotros”, detalló la organización.
la marcha antifascista,que tuvo lugar en el centro de Buenos Aires,contó con la presencia de varias figuras públicas,incluyendo a Lali Espósito y María Becerra,quienes saludaron a los asistentes desde una emblemática librería. Sin embargo, la participación de Lali no estuvo vinculada a ningún pago, según asegura Amnistía Internacional.
Este incidente se suma a una serie de controversias en las redes sociales, donde la desinformación y las falsificaciones han ganado terreno. La organización ha instado a los usuarios a verificar las fuentes antes de compartir información, especialmente cuando se trata de documentos que involucran a instituciones reconocidas.| Resumen de la Controversia |
| Acusación: Pago de 200 millones de pesos a Lali Espósito por asistir a la marcha antifascista. |
| Fuente: Imagen compartida en redes sociales. |
| Desmentido: Amnistía Internacional calificó el contrato como falso y editado. |
| Declaración: “Nunca le pagamos nada a Lali”. |
La organización también criticó la narrativa oficial que rodea este tipo de desinformación, sugiriendo que se trata de una estrategia deliberada para desacreditar a las instituciones y figuras públicas.
Mientras tanto, el Ministerio de Capital Humano, liderado por Sandra Pettovello, ha mantenido un perfil bajo en relación con este caso, aunque no ha dejado de ser parte del contexto político actual, marcado por tensiones y confrontaciones.
Este incidente subraya la importancia de la verificación de hechos en la era digital, donde las falsificaciones pueden propagarse rápidamente y generar confusión. Amnistía Internacional ha reiterado su compromiso con la transparencia y ha pedido a los ciudadanos que se mantengan alerta ante este tipo de manipulaciones.
Para más detalles sobre la marcha antifascista y la participación de Lali Espósito, puedes consultar el informe completo en La Nación.
Cristina Kirchner Denounced for Allegedly Receiving Unjustified Bonus, While Córdoba Mayor Gains Support for Security Plan
In a week marked by political tension, former President Cristina Kirchner faces allegations of improperly receiving the Bonificación de zona Austral, a benefit intended for residents of Argentina’s southern regions. Meanwhile, in Córdoba, Pablo Cornet, the mayor of Villa Allende, has secured the backing of Patricia Bullrich, the Minister of National Security, for his controversial plan to combat crime by closing off streets at night.
Cristina Kirchner Accused of Fraud
The Anses (National Social Security Administration) has formally accused Kirchner of “alleged crimes of fraud,defrauding the Public Administration,and ideological falsification.” The complaint centers on her alleged receipt of the Bonificación de Zona Austral, a benefit reserved for residents of provinces such as Río Negro, Neuquén, Chubut, Santa Cruz, La Pampa, Tierra del Fuego, and Islas del Atlántico Sur, as well as the Partido de Carmen de Patagones in Buenos Aires Province.
According to the Anses statement, “The Bonificación de Zona Austral is not a previsional benefit; the right to receive it is indeed exclusively based on effective residence or real settlement in the designated zones.” The agency claims Kirchner, who has long resided in Buenos aires City, is not entitled to this benefit.
Córdoba Mayor’s Security Plan Gains Momentum
While Kirchner faces legal scrutiny, Pablo Cornet, the Pro party mayor of Villa Allende, has garnered significant support for his security initiative. Cornet’s proposal involves closing off streets at night to curb crime,a measure that has sparked debate among local and national leaders.
Cornet’s efforts received a boost when Patricia Bullrich and presidential advisor Santiago caputo met with him last week to discuss his plans. bullrich’s endorsement has added weight to the proposal, despite opposition from Lilia Lemoine, a national deputy who visited Villa Allende and publicly criticized the measure. Lemoine also directed her criticism at Vice President Victoria Villarruel, who has been reorganizing her inner circle in the Senate.
Key Points at a Glance
| Topic | Details |
| Cristina Kirchner’s Alleged Fraud | Accused of improperly receiving the Bonificación de Zona Austral |
| Bonificación de Zona Austral | Benefit for residents of southern provinces, not Buenos Aires City |
| Pablo Cornet’s Security Plan | Proposal to close streets at night to combat crime |
| Support from patricia Bullrich | Minister of National Security backs Cornet’s initiative |
| Opposition from Lilia Lemoine | National deputy criticizes the plan and Vice President Villarruel |
A Divided Political Landscape
The developments highlight the deepening divisions within Argentina’s political landscape. Kirchner’s legal troubles underscore ongoing tensions between her faction and the current administration, while Cornet’s security plan reflects broader debates over how to address rising crime rates.As the situation unfolds, all eyes will be on how these controversies shape public opinion and influence future policy decisions. For now, the spotlight remains firmly on Kirchner’s alleged misconduct and Cornet’s ambitious, yet contentious, security strategy.
Stay informed about the latest political developments by following our coverage of Argentina’s evolving political landscape.
Alberto Fernández Faces Dual Legal Challenges Amid political Shifts in Pinamar
Former Argentine President Alberto Fernández is at the center of two high-profile legal cases, one involving allegations of fraud and another related to domestic violence. Meanwhile, the political landscape in Pinamar, a coastal district governed by Pro, remains notably apolitical as the 2025 electoral year begins.
Legal Troubles for alberto Fernández
Fernández appeared before federal judge Julián Ercolini in Comodoro Py to face accusations of domestic violence against his ex-wife, Fabiola Yañez. The allegations claim that Fernández physically assaulted Yañez during their time living together at the Quinta de Olivos presidential residence and threatened her to prevent her from filing a complaint.
In a parallel case, Fernández is under examination for alleged fraud involving State insurance contracts. He is accused of favoring friends in these contracts, a scandal that has implicated over 30 individuals. Fernández has already been questioned in this matter, and Judge Ercolini is expected to decide whether to formally charge him once the remaining accused are interrogated.
Fernández has also sought to remove Judge Ercolini from the fraud case, arguing for a more impartial review.
Pinamar’s Political Scene: A Quiet Start to 2025
Despite being a Pro-governed district under Juan Ibarguren, Pinamar saw little political activity during the 2025 summer season. The coastal town, known for attracting politicians and public figures, remained neutral as the electoral year kicked off.
Following President Javier Milei’s call for austerity among government officials, several prominent figures chose Pinamar for their vacations. Among them were presidential advisor Santiago Caputo, Minister of Deregulation Federico Sturzenegger, and several Pro deputies. While some maintained a low profile, others engaged with the press, offering insights into their strategies for the upcoming elections.
Key Points at a Glance
| Topic | Details |
| Alberto Fernández | Faces domestic violence and fraud allegations; seeks removal of Judge Ercolini. |
| Pinamar Politics | Remained apolitical despite Pro governance; hosted key political figures. |
| 2025 Electoral Year | marked by strategic meetings and public appearances in Pinamar. |
A Year of Strategy and Scrutiny
As the 2025 electoral year unfolds, the dual legal challenges against Fernández highlight the ongoing scrutiny of Argentina’s political elite. Meanwhile, Pinamar’s quiet political season suggests a shift in how public figures approach public engagement during critical election periods.
For more on the political dynamics shaping Argentina’s future, read about the summer’s political highlights in Pinamar.Stay informed as these stories develop, and explore how Argentina’s political and legal landscapes continue to evolve.Argentina’s Political and Economic Landscape: Milei’s Deadline for Lifting Currency Controls and Supreme Court Concerns
In a recent statement, Argentina’s Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, shed light on President javier Milei’s ambitious timeline for lifting the country’s stringent currency controls, known as the cepo cambiario. Francos emphasized that January 1,2026,is the “last deadline” for this move,but he hinted that it could happen sooner if the government secures fresh funds.
“What the President established is a maximum date. If meanwhile there is an agreement with the IMF that provides liquidity to the system, it could be earlier, so that the economy becomes solid,” Francos stated during an interview with Radio Rivadavia. He added, “The President, as he is asked every day how things are going, internally and externally, said: ‘Well, January 1, 2026, is the last deadline to exit the cepo. if we can do it earlier, better.’”
This declaration comes as Argentina continues to navigate its economic challenges, with the government seeking to stabilize the economy and attract foreign investment. The potential for an IMF agreement remains a critical factor in accelerating the timeline for lifting currency restrictions.
Supreme Court Vacancies: A Growing Concern
Francos also expressed concern over the current state of the Supreme Court of Justice, which is operating with only three members. The appointments of judges Ariel lijo and Gabriel García-Mansilla, proposed by the government, remain stalled in the senate.
“If the Senate does not resolve these circumstances,it is indeed clear that the President will decide what his next step is,” Francos said,without providing further details. The idea of appointing judges by decree, once considered, has lost traction within the government due to widespread criticism.
Francos further highlighted the expectations of the libertarian faction, which hopes to gain a “more significant depiction” in both legislative chambers during this year’s elections. This, they believe, would facilitate the integration of the Supreme Court and advance their judicial reform agenda.
Political Developments and Legal Battles
Meanwhile, former president Alberto Fernández is set to return to the courts today after appearing at Comodoro Py yesterday. Fernández is seeking the recusal of Judge Julián Ercolini in the Causa Seguros, where he is under investigation for allegedly favoring associates in the distribution of state insurance policies during his administration.
On the political front, key figures from the Peronist movement, including former Interior Minister Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro, former Economy Minister Sergio Massa, and the couple Victoria Tolosa Paz and Enrique Albistur, have been actively engaging in discussions about a potential electoral alliance with La Libertad Avanza.
Summary of Key Points
| Topic | Details |
| Currency Controls | Deadline set for January 1, 2026; earlier exit possible with IMF agreement.|
| Supreme Court Vacancies | Three members currently; appointments of Lijo and García-Mansilla stalled. |
| political Alliances | Peronist leaders discuss potential alliance with la Libertad Avanza. |
| Legal Developments | Alberto Fernández seeks recusal of Judge Ercolini in Causa Seguros. |
As Argentina grapples with economic and judicial challenges,the government’s ability to navigate these issues will be crucial in shaping the country’s future. Stay tuned for further updates on these unfolding developments.
Political Tensions Escalate as Milei’s Controversial Statements Spark Backlash
In a week marked by heated political debates and personal attacks, Javier Milei, Argentina’s libertarian president, has once again found himself at the center of controversy. His recent interview on LN+ has drawn sharp criticism from political opponents and public figures alike, reigniting discussions about the boundaries of political discourse.
Milei’s Attacks on Journalists and Artists
During his appearance on LN+,Milei launched scathing critiques against journalists Ernesto Tenembaum and Luis Novaresio,accusing them of bias and sensationalism. The president’s comments were met with immediate backlash, including a public show of solidarity from Pablo Avelluto, former Secretary of Culture under the Macri administration.
Avelluto, a vocal critic of Milei’s libertarian government, expressed his unwavering support for the journalists, stating, “Toda mi solidaridad con dos personas a las que me une un antiguo respeto y afecto de más de 25 años. Con encuentros y desencuentros,con ideas parecidas y con ideas diferentes en más de una oportunidad. Un abrazo fraterno a Ernesto Tenembaum y Luis Novaresio.No están solos.”
Milei’s attacks weren’t limited to journalists. He also targeted Lali Espósito, a prominent Argentine artist, dubbing her “Ladri Depósito” (Thief Deposit) during the interview. The president doubled down on his criticism by sharing AI-generated images of espósito holding dollar bills on his X account. Espósito had recently participated in the Marcha del Orgullo Antifascista y Antirracista, an event Milei openly condemned.
Political Repercussions and Counterattacks
The fallout from Milei’s statements extended beyond the media and entertainment industries. Leandro Santoro, a national deputy for Unión por la Patria (UP), responded with biting irony to Milei’s claim that “la ideología de género llevada a su extremo conduce al abuso.” Santoro retorted, “La ideología neoliberal llevada al extremo conduce al delirio,” directly challenging the president’s libertarian policies.
simultaneously occurring, the political landscape continues to shift as the government pushes for the elimination of PASO (Primary, Open, Simultaneous, and Mandatory elections).A commission debate scheduled for Tuesday afternoon aims to address the proposed suspension of the electoral system, with a final decision expected during Thursday’s session.
Legal Challenges and Gender Violence Allegations
Adding to the week’s drama, former President Alberto Fernández faces a gender violence case initiated by his ex-wife, Fabiola yañez. Fernández’s request to suspend the indagatoria (interrogation) was denied, and the proceedings are set to take place at 11 a.m. on Tuesday.
Key Events at a Glance
| Event | Details |
| Milei’s LN+ Interview | Criticized journalists Tenembaum and Novaresio; attacked Lali Espósito. |
| Pablo Avelluto’s Support | Expressed solidarity with Tenembaum and Novaresio. |
| Leandro Santoro’s Response | Countered Milei’s gender ideology remarks with a critique of neoliberalism.|
| PASO Elimination Debate | Commission discussion begins Tuesday; final decision expected Thursday. |
| Alberto Fernández’s Indagatoria | Faces gender violence allegations from ex-wife Fabiola Yañez. |
A Divided Nation
As Argentina grapples with these unfolding events, the polarization between Milei’s libertarian supporters and his critics grows more pronounced. the president’s unrelenting rhetoric has sparked debates about the role of leadership in fostering unity versus division.
For more insights into Argentina’s political climate, explore our analysis of Milei’s libertarian agenda and its impact on the nation’s socio-economic landscape.
What are your thoughts on Milei’s recent statements? Share your opinions in the comments below and join the conversation.
Diputados de Unión por la Patria deciden no dar quorum para la reforma electoral
Los diputados de Unión por la Patria (UP) se reunieron este lunes para definir su postura respecto a la posible suspensión o eliminación de las Primarias, Abiertas, Simultáneas y Obligatorias (PASO). Aunque no llegaron a un consenso unánime,coincidieron en no dar quorum a la sesión convocada por el oficialismo para discutir su proyecto de reforma electoral.
esta decisión representa una posición intermedia para la bancada liderada por Germán Martínez en la Cámara de diputados, donde coexisten múltiples opiniones provenientes de distintos distritos. Según fuentes cercanas, la postura se basa en la convicción de que el Gobierno debe priorizar la discusión presupuestaria sobre otros temas.
“Si los libertarios quieren avanzar igual, que consigan ellos solos (con sus ‘amigos’) las firmas para el dictamen y el quorum para sesionar”, señalaron los diputados de UP a través de su cuenta oficial en X (antes Twitter).
El impacto económico y la disparada del dólar
En otro ámbito, el ministro de Desregulación y Transformación del Estado, Federico Sturzenegger, abordó el tema del costo de los medicamentos en Argentina. En una entrevista con Cristina Pérez por LN+, Sturzenegger admitió: “Los medicamentos salen cinco veces más que en España y 25 veces más que en India”.
El ministro justificó esta situación como un legado histórico: “Es una situación que heredamos hace muchos años”. Además, se refirió al impacto económico en el país debido a la disparada del dólar en el mundo, consecuencia de la guerra comercial entre Estados Unidos y otras potencias.
Tabla comparativa: Costo de medicamentos en Argentina, España e India
| País | Costo relativo de medicamentos |
| Argentina| 25x más caro que India |
| españa | 5x más caro que India |
| India | Base de comparación |
Reflexiones finales
La decisión de los diputados de UP de no dar quorum para la reforma electoral refleja las tensiones internas y la diversidad de opiniones dentro de la bancada. Mientras tanto, el Gobierno enfrenta desafíos económicos significativos, como el alto costo de los medicamentos y la presión generada por la disparada del dólar.
¿Cómo afectarán estas decisiones a la política y la economía argentina en los próximos meses? Solo el tiempo lo dirá.
Para más información sobre la reforma electoral y su impacto, visita nuestro análisis detallado aquí.
Nota: Este artículo se basa exclusivamente en la información proporcionada y no incluye datos adicionales.Argentina’s Milei Administration Drives Down Medication Prices and Navigates Political Crossroads
In a recent televised interview, Argentina’s Minister of Health highlighted significant strides in reducing medication costs under President Javier Milei’s administration. “The price has dropped by a third as Javier [Milei] took office,” the minister stated during the program hosted by Cristina Pérez. This achievement stems from a series of measures aimed at increasing openness and affordability in the pharmaceutical sector.
One of the key initiatives includes mandating the prescription of generic drugs over branded ones. “We’ve changed the electronic prescription system, and today, online medication sales are a reality in the City,” the minister explained. Though, this practice remains prohibited in the Province of Buenos Aires, underscoring regional disparities in healthcare policies.
The government has also taken steps to bring medications “from behind the counter to the shelves,” fostering price diversity and accessibility. While acknowledging that drug prices remain high,the minister emphasized,“They are on a sustained downward trajectory.” These efforts reflect the administration’s commitment to addressing one of Argentina’s most pressing public health challenges.
Political Shifts and Government Decisions
Beyond healthcare, the Milei administration has made headlines for its political maneuvers. Patricia Bullrich, the Minister of Security, recently expressed her preference to remain in her current role rather than pursue a legislative position. “I wouldn’t like to be a candidate. I’m fulfilling a function here and would prefer not to go to the Senate,” bullrich stated during an interview on LN+. However, she deferred the final decision to President Milei, describing him as the “director técnico” who will determine the political lineup.
Meanwhile, the government has extended its intervention in several state-owned enterprises for another year. Affected entities include Radio y Televisión Argentina, Contenidos Artísticos e Informativos, Agencia de Publicidad del Estado (APE), and EDUC.AR. These decisions, published in the Boletín Oficial, signal the administration’s ongoing efforts to reshape public institutions.
the Cultural Battle and Milei’s Global Vision
President Milei’s recent speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos has sparked both international attention and domestic debate. Addressing the global elite ofen referred to as the “Davos Man,” Milei’s remarks were tailored to the event’s global context. however,their interpretation back home has been less controlled,igniting a cultural and political firestorm.
Argentina’s complex socio-political landscape, described as a “bomba inescrutable de cables rojos,” continues to challenge the administration’s ability to steer the narrative. Yet, Milei’s bold policies and rhetoric underscore his determination to redefine Argentina’s role on the global stage while addressing internal issues.
Key Takeaways
| Topic | Details |
| Medication prices | Dropped by a third under Milei; generic prescriptions and online sales promoted. |
| political Decisions | Patricia Bullrich prefers to stay as Security Minister; state enterprise interventions extended. |
| Global Impact | Milei’s Davos speech sparks domestic debate amid Argentina’s cultural battles. |
As Argentina navigates these transformative changes, the Milei administration’s policies and political strategies will undoubtedly shape the nation’s future. For more insights into Argentina’s evolving healthcare and political landscape, explore our in-depth analysis here.
What are your thoughts on these developments? Share your outlook in the comments below or join the conversation on our social media channels.Javier Milei Anuncia Fecha para el Fin del Cepo Cambiario en Argentina
En una entrevista exclusiva con Esteban Trebucq por LN+, el presidente Javier Milei marcó un hito en la política económica argentina al anunciar una fecha específica para el fin del cepo cambiario. “Sin la ayuda del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI), el 1 de enero de 2026 el cepo va a dejar de existir. ahora, si hay desembolso, podemos hacerlo más rápido. Hay que ver cómo queda estructurado el programa”, declaró el mandatario.
Esta declaración llega en un momento crucial para la economía argentina, donde el cepo cambiario ha sido un tema de intenso debate. Días antes, dos bancos internacionales, el Bank of America y el Morgan Stanley, habían señalado que veían cerca un acuerdo con el FMI y la posible salida del cepo. Ambos destacaron el plan de estabilización del Gobierno y su compromiso con el superávit fiscal, factores que podrían impulsar los bonos soberanos de deuda.
El Contexto del Cepo Cambiario
El cepo cambiario, implementado para controlar la fuga de divisas, ha sido una medida controvertida en Argentina. Mientras algunos lo ven como una herramienta necesaria para estabilizar la economía, otros lo critican por limitar el acceso al dólar y generar un mercado paralelo. La posible eliminación del cepo representa un cambio significativo en la política económica del país.
Los Desafíos y Oportunidades
Milei reconoció que la colaboración del FMI podría acelerar el proceso. Sin embargo, también subrayó la importancia de estructurar adecuadamente el programa para garantizar su éxito. Este anuncio no solo tiene implicaciones internas, sino que también busca proyectar una imagen de estabilidad hacia el exterior, atrayendo inversiones y fortaleciendo la confianza en la economía argentina.
Perspectivas Internacionales
El optimismo de los bancos internacionales refleja una creciente confianza en las medidas económicas del Gobierno. El Bank of America y el Morgan Stanley resaltaron el compromiso con el superávit fiscal y el plan de estabilización, elementos clave para la recuperación económica.
Resumen de Puntos Clave
| Aspecto | detalle |
| Fecha de Eliminación | 1 de enero de 2026 (posiblemente antes con ayuda del FMI) |
| Bancos Internacionales | Bank of America y Morgan Stanley ven cerca un acuerdo con el FMI |
| Factores clave | Plan de estabilización y compromiso con el superávit fiscal |
| Impacto Esperado | Impulso a los bonos soberanos de deuda y mayor confianza en la economía |
El anuncio de Javier Milei marca un paso importante hacia la liberalización del mercado cambiario en Argentina. Sin embargo, el éxito de esta medida dependerá de la colaboración con el FMI y la capacidad del Gobierno para mantener la estabilidad económica. Mientras tanto, los ojos del mundo financiero estarán puestos en cómo se desarrolla este proceso en los próximos meses.
Para más detalles sobre las declaraciones de Milei, puedes consultar la entrevista completa en LN+.
Interview: Javier milei Announces Date for the End of Argentina’s Exchange Rate Controls
Editor: President Milei, thank you for joining us today. Your recent announcement about the end of Argentina’s exchange rate controls has sparked widespread discussion.Can you elaborate on the timeline you’ve set for this change?
javier Milei: Certainly. Without the assistance of the international Monetary Fund (IMF), the exchange rate controls will officially end on January 1, 2026. However,if we secure disbursements from the IMF sooner,we can accelerate this process. The exact timeline will depend on how the program is structured.
Editor: This announcement comes at a critical juncture for Argentina’s economy. How do you see this move benefiting the nation?
Javier Milei: The elimination of the exchange rate controls is a significant step toward economic liberalization. It will help stabilize the economy, attract foreign investments, and restore confidence in our financial system. Additionally, it aligns wiht our commitment to achieving a fiscal surplus and implementing a robust stabilization plan.
Editor: International banks like Bank of America and Morgan Stanley have expressed optimism about a potential agreement with the IMF. How does this external support factor into your strategy?
Javier Milei: Collaboration with the IMF is crucial. Their support can expedite the process and provide the necessary resources to ensure a smooth transition. the positive outlook from international financial institutions reflects their confidence in our economic policies, especially our focus on fiscal discipline and stabilization.
Editor: The exchange rate controls have been a contentious issue in Argentina. What challenges do you anticipate in implementing this change?
Javier Milei: One of the main challenges is ensuring that the program is well-structured to prevent economic instability. We must also manage the transition carefully to avoid any negative impacts on the market.Though, we believe that the long-term benefits of this move will outweigh the short-term challenges.
editor: what message woudl you like to convey to the Argentine people and the international community regarding this announcement?
Javier Milei: This is a historic moment for Argentina. The end of the exchange rate controls marks a new chapter in our economic journey. We are committed to building a stable and prosperous future for our nation, and we are confident that this step will strengthen our economy and enhance our global standing.
The announcement by President Javier Milei to end Argentina’s exchange rate controls represents a pivotal shift in the country’s economic policy. With potential support from the IMF and positive signals from international banks, this move aims to stabilize the economy, attract investments, and restore confidence. The success of this initiative will depend on careful planning and execution, but it underscores the government’s commitment to fiscal discipline and economic reform.