nColombia’s U20 national team has kicked off their campaign in the South American Sub 20 championship with a hard-fought draw against Argentina. The match, held in Venezuela, saw Óscar Perea emerge as the hero, scoring the crucial goal that secured a valuable point for the squad led by coach César Torres.“You have to congratulate the boys, a worthy game, the Colombian shirt represented very well. The point is valuable and it is a starting point to start a South American against a rival who comes from beating, this draw is very good,” said Torres after the match.His words reflect the pride and determination of a team that is eager to make its mark in the tournament.The draw against Argentina sets the stage for Colombia’s next challenge: a clash with Ecuador.Ecuador,who defeated Bolivia 2-1 in their opening game,will be looking to secure another victory to solidify their position in the standings.For Colombia, this match is crucial. A win woudl not only boost their confidence but also position them favorably as thay prepare to face Bolivia on Thursday and Brazil next weekend.
Here’s a quick summary of Colombia’s journey so far:
| Match | Result | Key Player |
| Colombia vs. Argentina | 1-1 Draw | Óscar Perea |
| Colombia vs.Ecuador | Upcoming | TBD |
The road ahead is challenging, but Colombia’s performance against Argentina has shown that they have the talent and resilience to compete at the highest level. As the tournament progresses, all eyes will be on this young squad to see if they can continue to rise to the occasion.