Catherine Laborde, the beloved former weather presenter on TF1, has passed away at the age of 73. Her family confirmed the news to AFP, sharing that she died peacefully at her cherished home on Yeu Island.”You left serenely in your house in Yeu Island that you loved so much,” her sister,journalist Françoise Laborde,conveyed in a heartfelt message.
Surrounded by her loved ones, Catherine’s final moments were filled with warmth and tranquility. “There was around you Gabrèle and Pia, your daughters, and Jimmy their father. And also your husband thomas for your last days. Geneviève and I were with you last week,” Françoise wrote on her X account. Catherine Laborde departed “very slowly, silently, soothed,” her sister added, painting a poignant picture of her peaceful passing.
Catherine Laborde’s career as a weather presenter on TF1 spanned an impressive 28 years, from July 11, 1988, until January 1, 2017. Her final broadcast was an emotional farewell, where she reflected on “memories” of ”formidable” moments and expressed her gratitude for the “love and benevolence” she had received. “You will forget me, me not,” she concluded, leaving an indelible mark on her audience.
In 2018, Catherine revealed her battle with lewy body disease,a neurodegenerative condition similar to Parkinson’s and alzheimer’s diseases. she courageously shared her journey in her book Tremble, published by Plon, offering insights into her struggle and resilience.
Below is a summary of key details about Catherine laborde’s life and legacy:
| Aspect | Details |
| Birth and Death | Born May 8, 1951; Died January 28, 2025 |
| Career | Weather presenter on TF1 (1988–2017) |
| Notable Work | Authored Tremble, a book about her battle with lewy body disease |
| Legacy | Remembered for her warmth, professionalism, and courage in facing illness |
Catherine Laborde’s passing marks the end of an era for French television. Her contributions to broadcasting and her bravery in sharing her personal health journey will continue to inspire many. For more updates, visit