Moo daeng: The Loyal Stray Dog of Korat Captures Hearts Nationwide
In the bustling streets of Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, a heartwarming tale of loyalty and devotion has emerged, capturing the attention of the nation. A stray dog named Moo Daeng, now affectionately dubbed the “Hachi of Korat,” has been waiting outside a local 7-Eleven store since the passing of his owner, a homeless man who often begged in the area.
The story gained traction after the Facebook page “Korat the city you can build” shared poignant photos of Moo Daeng, originally captured by Mari-Mo photography. The images depict the dog sleeping under a red blanket outside the store, with a sign from the shop owner kindly requesting customers to avoid feeding him liver and milk.
Moo Daeng’s owner, who reportedly struggled with mental health issues, passed away in November last year. Despite this, the loyal canine has remained steadfast in the spot where they once spent time together. The 7-Eleven store owner and employees have as taken it upon themselves to care for Moo Daeng, providing food and even clothing during cold nights.The story has sparked an outpouring of emotion on social media, with many users expressing thier desire for Moo Daeng to be adopted into a loving home where he can receive proper care and nutrition.
This touching narrative draws striking parallels to the legendary tale of Hachikō, the Japanese Akita dog who became a global symbol of loyalty in the 1920s. Hachikō famously waited at Shibuya Station for nearly a decade after his owner’s death, a story that continues to inspire millions worldwide.
Key Details About Moo Daeng’s Story
| Aspect | Details |
| Location | Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand |
| Dog’s Name | Moo Daeng (Hachi of Korat) |
| Owner’s Status | Homeless man with mental health issues, passed away in November 2023 |
| Current Caretakers | 7-Eleven store owner and employees |
| Social Media Impact | Viral posts on Facebook, calls for adoption |
the story of Moo Daeng serves as a poignant reminder of the unwavering bond between humans and animals. As the nation rallies behind this loyal dog,his tale continues to inspire acts of kindness and compassion.
for more heartwarming stories like this, follow Korat the city you can build on Facebook and stay updated on how you can make a difference in the lives of animals like Moo Daeng.