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House GOP Leaders Push Healthcare Cuts, Targeting Vulnerable Americans

A controversial ⁢provision⁢ in the updated⁢ FY25 National Defense ⁢Authorization ⁢Act ⁤(NDAA),‌ filed in the U.S.House ⁣of Representatives today, has ignited a ​firestorm of criticism. The provision seeks to bar coverage for medically⁣ necessary healthcare for transgender youth who are⁣ dependents of servicemembers.

“Rather of focusing on the⁢ needs‌ of the American people and our national security, ​anti-equality House‌ Republican ​leaders are hijacking a defense bill to play politics wiht the healthcare of children of servicemembers. ⁢This is not leadership, it’s bullying, and it is indeed a direct‍ attack ⁣on military families,” said HRC‍ President Kelley Robinson. “This discriminatory provision ‌is a slap in the face to servicemembers and ‍their families, who sacrifice every day for our country. We ask​ our servicemembers⁢ to defend our country, ⁣and in return, we should defend their rights. This cruel and hateful bill suddenly strips away access to⁤ medical care for families⁤ that members of our⁢ armed forces are ‌counting on, ⁣and it could ⁤force servicemembers ⁢to choose between staying in the military or providing healthcare for ⁢their children. Politicians have no place inserting themselves into ‌decisions that​ should be between⁣ families ⁣and their doctors. We call on members of⁣ Congress to do what’s right and vote against this damaging ​legislation.”

The move has drawn swift condemnation from ‌LGBTQ+ advocates, who⁤ argue that ‌it unfairly targets⁤ vulnerable⁢ children ‌and⁢ undermines the well-being of military⁤ families. President Biden has repeatedly pledged to ⁣veto any legislation that would codify discrimination against transgender individuals.

This isn’t the ⁣first time anti-LGBTQ+ provisions have been attempted in legislative ‌measures. Last year, House Republicans sought to⁣ include over 50 such provisions in annual appropriations bills. Thanks to the efforts⁢ of ⁢advocacy⁤ groups like the Human Rights Campaign,⁢ pro-equality lawmakers,⁤ and dedicated ​advocates, all but one of these provisions were ​ultimately removed.

The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest civil rights association‌ working to⁤ achieve equality ⁣for ⁢LGBTQ+⁤ people, remains⁤ committed‍ to fighting against discriminatory legislation and ensuring that all Americans,⁣ nonetheless ‌of ⁤their sexual orientation⁣ or ​gender identity, have access to the healthcare⁢ they need.

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Such as, you can ask ⁢me​ to:

* **Summarize text:** “Summarize the‍ plot ​of Hamlet.”

* **Write creatively:** “Write a short story about a robot who learns to feel emotions.”

* **Answer questions:** “What is the capital of France?”

* ⁤**Translate languages:** “Translate ‘hello‌ world’ into Spanish.”

* **Generate different creative text formats:**

‍ * poems,code,scripts,musical ‍pieces,email,letters,etc.

* **Answer your questions in an informative way, even if they are open ended, challenging, or ⁤strange.**

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