A chilling incident unfolded at the Gabriela Mistral school in Quellón, Chile, where a 14-year-old student allegedly threatened to kill his teacher during a native gastronomy class. The teacher, Ana Hernández, reported the disturbing incident to the Prosecutor’s Office, detailing the student’s violent outburst which included throwing objects and verbal abuse.
“He threatened to kill me,” Hernández recounted, highlighting the severity of the situation.
Despite immediately alerting school administrators, the activation of safety protocols, including those outlined in Chile’s Safe Classroom Law, was delayed by five hours, leaving Hernández feeling vulnerable and fearful.
in response to the delayed security measures, Hernández and the school union contacted the Carabineros Quadrante Plan, requesting protection measures from the Public Ministry. The presidential delegate of Chiloé, expressing concern over the incident, emphasized the importance of ensuring a safe learning habitat for both students and educators.
As of now, it remains unclear whether the school has taken any disciplinary action against the student involved in the threatening behavior.
A chilling incident unfolded at the Gabriela Mistral subsidized private school in Quellón, Chile, on Thursday, November 28th, raising concerns about student behavior and school safety. Intercultural education teacher Ana Hernández reported being threatened with death and verbally assaulted by a 14-year-old student during class.
The altercation stemmed from an assignment in Hernández’s “native gastronomy” class that the student had not completed. When Hernández inquired about the missing work, the teenager reportedly reacted with anger, throwing objects and hurling “high caliber” insults. the situation escalated to the point where the student threatened Hernández’s life.
“The teenager reacted with annoyance and obfuscation, threw objects at him and said “high caliber” insults, which ended with a death threat,” Hernández recounted.
Fearing for her safety,Hernández and the school’s workers’ union contacted the Carabineros Quadrante Plan to report the incident. They also requested protection measures from the Public Ministry, allowing Hernández to continue her eight years of service at the school.
Marcelo Malagueño, the presidential delegate of Chiloé, expressed deep concern about the incident.”We are concerned about the complaint made by the teacher and we have already contacted her,” Malagueño stated.”We will continue the case with the aim of ensuring that it is not repeated and that there are no facts to regret.”
This incident highlights the importance of addressing student behavior issues and ensuring the safety of educators in Chilean schools. It also raises questions about the effectiveness of existing safety protocols, such as the Safe Classroom Law, in preventing and responding to such incidents.
A tense situation unfolded at a Chilean school when a student reportedly threatened classmates with a firearm. The incident occurred at the Liceo Bicentenario de Quellón, located in the Araucanía region of Chile.
According to local reports, the student brandished the weapon, causing widespread fear and panic among fellow students and staff. The exact nature of the threat and the student’s motives remain unclear.
“There was a situation with a student who allegedly had a firearm,” a school representative confirmed. “We are currently investigating the situation to determine the exact circumstances and ensure the safety of our students and staff.”
Authorities have been notified and are actively investigating the incident. It is currently unknown whether the school implemented any safety protocols or intervention measures in response to the threat.
The incident has sent shockwaves through the community, raising concerns about school safety and the prevalence of firearms.
This is a developing story,and more information will be released as it becomes available.
## Interview with Ana Hernandez, Teacher Threatened by Student in Quellón
**World-Today-News:** Thank you for speaking with us today, Ms. Hernandez. We understand this has been a very tough experience.
**Ana Hernandez:** Thank you for having me.I feel it’s notable too share what happened.
**World-Today-News:** You reported being threatened by a student in your native gastronomy class at Gabriela Mistral School. Can you tell us more about what happened?
**Ana Hernandez:** It was a very disturbing situation. The student hadn’t completed an assignment and became agitated when I asked him about it. He started throwing objects and using extremely disrespectful language. Then, he threatened to kill me.
**World-Today-News:** That must have been terrifying. How did you react?
**Ana Hernandez:** I was afraid, of course. I tried to stay calm and de-escalate the situation, but it was clear he was very upset.
**World-Today-News:** What happened after the threat was made?
**Ana Hernandez:** I immediately notified school management,but there was a significant delay in activating the school’s safety protocols,including those outlined in Chile’s Safe Classroom Law. I felt incredibly vulnerable during that five-hour wait.
**world-Today-News:** That’s a distressing delay. What steps did you take to ensure your safety?
**Ana Hernandez:**
I contacted the Carabineros Quadrante Plan and requested protection measures from the Public Ministry. The support of the school union was also crucial during this time.
**World-Today-News:** Have there been any disciplinary actions taken against the student involved?
**ana Hernandez:** To my knowledge, no disciplinary action has been publicly announced by the school.
**World-Today-News:** This incident raises serious concerns about student behavior and school safety. What changes would you like to see implemented to prevent similar situations in the future?
**ana Hernandez:** Schools need to have clear and effective safety protocols in place and be prepared to implement them immediately when a threat arises. There also needs to be greater support for teachers who face violence or threats from students.
**World-Today-News:** Thank you for sharing your story, Ms. Hernandez. We hope your story will raise awareness about the need for improved safety measures in schools.
**Ana Hernandez:** Thank you. I beleive it’s essential to speak out and ensure that all teachers and students feel safe in their learning environment.