by Silvia Ghilardi
The shortcomings in the Brescia area (Valcamonica excluded because it does not fall within the area of competence of Ats): in some countries there are those who have accepted a maximum of 2,000 patients
In the province of Brescia 96 general practitioners are missing (Valcamonica excluded because it does not fall within the territory of competence of Ats Brescia). 144 thousand patients are without a doctor.The shortage of family doctors is a problem that has lasted for several years now. During the last call at the end of last July, relating to the positions left vacant since the first call in May, 21 places were assigned in the territory of the Spedali Civili, 10 places in that of the Franciacorta Asst and 12 in that of the Garda Asst. The unassigned places, however, were 45 for Garda, 30 in Franciacorta and 21 those unassigned in the municipalities that fall under the competence of the Asst Spedali Civili. In total, therefore, 96 doctors are still missing. This is today’s photo.
Asst Garda. The areas most affected by the shortage of general practitioners in the Garda Asst area are: in Alto Garda Nozza with 2 temporary assignments as well as a temporary medical clinic (Amt) with 900 patients in charge; Bagolino where despite the increase in the ceiling to 1,800 of the doctor present, an active AMT remains (with 1,350 patients in charge); Odolo, Serle and Prevalle where 3 temporary positions were inserted with an average of 1,400 patients in charge. As regards the Medio Garda Toscolano Maderno where following a termination a temporary appointee was appointed and Salo’ where to date all GPs have reached their maximum limit.
For Lower Garda instead Montichiari with four terminations of doctors between August and September and where the doctors present have given their willingness to increase the ceiling to 2,000 patients and two AMTs active in Calcinato and Montichiari; Alfianello where the transfer of a doctor required the inclusion of a temporary position. «As can be seen, Asst del Garda – comments the social health company – has tried to respond, as required by the national contract, with the activation of temporary assignments and temporary medical clinics that guarantee assistance to all citizens». «In this very complicated context – he continues – special thanks must be given to the municipal administrations, doctors, pharmacies and associations».
Asst Franciacorta. In the Orzinuovi/Orzivecchi/Pompiano and Corzano area: on November 1st there was a termination and the immediate activation of the service with a new general practitioner. Furthermore, on November 1st, an extraordinary opening of the Orzinuovi Selection and Revocation Office was carried out, to facilitate the choice of doctor, especially for the “non-digital” categories.
In scope Lograto/Maclodio/Longhena/Brandico/Mairano/Dello and Barbariga: from 1 November there was a termination, immediately covered by the activation of 3 new entries into service. In the area of Palazzolo s/O/Pontoglio: there has been a new entry into service, which completes the availability of three doctors with a derogated ceiling until 15 December 2024. In the area of Castelcovati/Comezzano Cizzago since 11 November there was a reduction in hours but it was covered from the same day by a new entry into service.
«To date – declares Andrea Ghedi, socio-health director of Asst Franciacorta – we are aware that there may be some inconveniences due to terminations and changes of position both among doctors and pediatricians». «Our Asst – specifies the director – is actively working to find effective solutions: thanks also to the collaboration with our mayors we have managed to make some areas that were critical attractive for new doctors by closing some temporary medical clinics».
Asst Spedali Civili. «With regard to doctors and paediatricians – the Asst says – there are currently no situations of lack of healthcare in the area, as a sufficient number of free places are available in each area to fully respond to the application for registration». The free places mean the places for patients present in the same area of choice in which doctors and paediatricians operate. «Even in the area of the middle Val Trompia – specifies the company -, in which some doctors have recently ceased their conventional activity, temporary primary care assignments or temporary medical clinic services have been activated while waiting for a regular doctor who guarantee the primary care needs for all citizens of those municipalities”.
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