Saturday 30 November and 14 December will be held at Co.As.It. of Melbourne of yoga lessons in Italian. The teachers will be Mara Boscaro and Corinne D’Annibale, who were our guests in the SBS Italian studios. The two young people told us the importance of yoga for them, and how much these lessons are open to all.
“Yoga changed my life”, confessed Corinne, “the most important lesson was to learn to act and not react”.
Listen to our interview with Mara and Corinne by clicking ‘play’ above
Mara Boscaro and Corinne D’Annibale in front of the SBS studios.
“I, on the other hand, started doing yoga by chance”, explained Mara, “and today I can’t do without it!”.
“After all”, they said almost in unison, “everyone must ‘feel’ the pose in a personal way. Yoga is an excellent method for learning to listen to oneself”, they concluded.
It doesn’t matter being a photo model! Yoga is good for everyone, and more for the soul than the body!
Mara Boscaro and Corinne D’Annibale
The lessons will be in Italian: then get ready to practice the pose of the humble warrior, the flying ninja and the pigeon! For more information visit .
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