Home » Sport » Palermo in pink, over three thousand in the race to say “no” to violence against women

Palermo in pink, over three thousand in the race to say “no” to violence against women

Pink shirt in order. Ready, go. Around three thousand people took part in “Palermo in rosa”, the recreational-sports event that has only one message to spread: enough with violence against women. A long and interesting pre-event with a yoga lesson by Claudia Siciliano, then the performance of the pupils of the Ibi primary school and the violinist Giovanna Ferrara. Followed by the Palermo artist Alessandra Salerno and the actress Roberta Procida, who interpreted the text “Te La Sei Cercata”, written by Serena Dandini. Then the muscle warm-up with the instructors of the Palermo 2 Tennis Club and the start of the pink wave given by the countdown of the sports councilor of the Municipality of Palermo Alessandro Anello. A long snake made up of women, men and many children unraveled along the streets of the historic center of Palermo and therefore via Ruggero Settimo, Teatro Massimo, via Cavour, via Roma, via Calvi, via Borrelli, piazza Croci, via Libertà for return to Piazza Politeama where the artists of the Circopificio await them and a regenerating stretching lesson.

“Thousands of people are here today to testify that there is not only a community, but a real sensitivity to the topic of the pragmatic fight against violence against women and feminicides – says Daniele Di Gregoli, creator and organizer of Palermo in Rosa – From today we will work for 2025. I believe that initiatives like these are just the tip of the iceberg. Sport and solidarity is a perfect combination for this topic, which is so “explosive” to propose to our children and to our city”. The event was organized with the patronage of the regional department of Family, Social Policies and Labour, of the department of tourism and sport of the municipality of Palermo, of the University of Palermo, of the Heal Italia Foundation, of the Sicily Foundation , SNA National Union of Insurance Agents, Progetto Fiorenze Unione Liberi Avvocati, Rotary Club Palermo Mediterranea, of the Order of Engineers of Palermo, of the Order of Lawyers of Palermo, of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Palermo, of Endas, of Acsi, of Confcommercio Palermo and of the “Marisa Leo” Social Promotion Association, protagonist of one of the most touching moments of the day with the reading of a letter with Marisa’s words.

The main partner of the event is the Mangia’s Group which also involved 100 mothers from the Sperone neighborhood and 20 young people from the T21 Sport Association in participating in the “Palermo in Rosa”. “We are happy to be able to be present and give our small contribution to this very important event – says Marcello Mangia, CEO of Mangia’s – We must fight every day against violence against women and all do our part – We will continue to give our support to This event seems like a good sign to me. There is an ideal climate that is truly a credit to our city.”

Ambassadors of the initiative are the Palermo influencer Sara Priolo and the actress Roberta Procida: “Today is the perfect opportunity to admire the historic center of our city – they say – Being together, sharing with a single objective: no longer triggering dynamics that seem obvious They happen even in the homes of the most unthinkable people. And our job is to never pretend nothing happened. We have a huge responsibility to be testimonials of this event be because it is essential to be there, for the present and for the future of this topic”. Other partners of the event were the IBI Institute, the Riolo Group, Unicredit, Tenute Orestiadi, the Circopificio, Pirazzoli Assicurazioni, Tennis Club Palermo 2, Palermo Mediterranea, Sport & Nutrition, Associazione Culturale Brancaccio e Musica and the States General of Women. Among the technical partners there is the Giaconia Conad Group, Automania and Tecnica Sport. Media Partner: G-studio Advertising and the Migi Press press agency.

**Beyond corporate sponsorships, how‌ can businesses and organizations actively⁣ participate in creating ​lasting change to prevent violence against women⁤ and promote‌ gender equality⁣ in their day-to-day operations and culture?**

## Palermo ⁢in Rosa: An Interview


* **Daniele​ Di Gregoli:** Creator and organizer of Palermo in Rosa

* **Marcello Mangia:**⁤ CEO of Mangia’s Group, main ‍partner‌ of Palermo ⁤in Rosa

**Interviewer:** Welcome to ⁢World Today News. Today we’re discussing “Palermo in Rosa,” a significant event that took place recently, highlighting⁣ the‍ fight against violence against women.

Let’s begin by understanding the event’s impact. Mr. Di Gregoli, as the event’s creator, can you tell us more‍ about what motivated you to organize “Palermo​ in Rosa”? What specific message⁢ were you hoping to convey?

**Section ​1: Spreading Awareness & Building ⁢Community**

* **Interviewer (to Daniele Di Gregoli):** You mentioned “Palermo in Rosa” is ⁣”just the tip of the iceberg.” Can you⁢ elaborate on this? What⁣ other initiatives or long-term goals are crucial to achieving substantive change in‍ combating violence against women?

* **Interviewer (to Marcello Mangia):** ⁢As a main partner, ⁣Mangia’s⁤ Group clearly believes in‍ the importance of this cause. What prompted your company to support⁤ “Palermo in Rosa”?

* **Interviewer (general):** The ‍article⁢ mentions ​a diverse range ⁤of partners from⁣ the ⁢public and ​private sectors, as well as cultural and sporting organizations. How significant is this collaborative approach in mobilizing action⁣ against violence against women?

**Section ​2: Engaging the Public‍ & Promoting Dialogue**

* **Interviewer (to Daniele Di Gregoli):**‌ The event featured diverse performances and activities.⁣ How were these chosen, and what role ‍did they‌ play in conveying the message of “Palermo in Rosa”?

* **Interviewer (to Miele):** The event saw participation from thousands, including families and children. Why ​is⁤ it important to involve younger generations in this conversation?

* **Interviewer⁣ (general):** The article mentions the reading of a letter from Marisa Leo. Can ⁣you both speak​ to the impact of sharing such personal stories within a larger ⁤campaign against violence? Does it encourage deeper reflection or understanding?

**Section​ 3: Looking Ahead – A Continuing Conversation**

* ⁤**Interviewer (to Daniele Di Gregoli):** You ‌mentioned working towards 2025. What are some of⁤ your goals and ⁣aspirations for the future of “Palermo in Rosa”?

* **Interviewer (to Marcello Mangia):** What role do ​you see corporations and businesses playing in continuing the⁤ fight against violence against women ⁤both locally and​ on a broader scale?

* **Interviewer (general):** ​What message ‍would you ⁣like to leave with our audience today⁤ about the importance of ⁣sustained efforts to address‌ this‌ issue?

**Closing:** Thank⁤ you both for sharing your insights and ⁣commitment‌ to such a crucial cause. We ⁣hope this conversation inspires further dialogue and ⁣action against violence⁣ against women.

Remember, this is⁢ just a guide. Feel free to adjust the questions based on the‌ guests’ responses and ⁤the flow⁤ of the ‍conversation.

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