BREGANZE (Vicenza) – In Afghanistan, according to the IPC1 report, the integrated classification system of the phases of food security, 3.2 million children under five years of age are severely malnourished. Two out of three – more than 13 million – are in urgent need of humanitarian aid, and according to a recent publication by Save the Children, during 2024 approximately 7.8 million children will not have enough to eat.
The crucial role of orphanages. The need for safe places such as orphanages is increasingly important in this context where poverty and insecurity prevail. Orphanages play a crucial role in lifting up families who live in extreme poverty and cannot afford to provide for their children’s basic needs, ensuring shelter, education and access to care. An island of salvation to avoid succumbing to hunger, violence, early marriages, domestic abuse, child labor.
The safe haven for over 50 children. For this reason, already in 2022, NOVE Caring Humans – one of the few Italian NGOs still operating in Afghanistan – e OTB FOUNDATION they invested resources and funds to reactivate the public male orphanage in Kapisa, the smallest but densely populated Afghan province north-east of Kabul. Since then, the structure has become a safe haven for over 50 children who now have the opportunity to grow up peacefully.
Mothers on their knees begging for their children to be welcomed. As Susanna Fioretti, president of Nove Caring Humans“during our missions in the province of Kapisa we met desperate women who, kneeling in front of the male orphanage supported by NEW e OTB FOUNDATIONthey begged to welcome their daughters.” “And this is how the OTB Foundation decided to extend its support to NOVE by supporting the first public female orphanage in Kapisa,” says Arianna Alessi, vice-president of OTB FOUNDATION who adds: “Given the terrible circumstances faced by girls in Afghanistan we could only support this project.
Hunger, cold, child labor. As well as various forms of abuse are commonplace for children and young people. OTB FOUNDATION continues to support this country in difficulty by trying to give hope to all the requests for entry from the families who arrive at our orphanage, families where women are the only ones who take care of the family’s support”.
39% of Afghan girls forced into early marriage. The most recent statisticsUNICEF on child marriage, published in 2023, show that 39% of girls in Afghanistan are subject to child marriage nationwide. This alarming rate highlights the harsh reality faced by many Afghan girls who are often forced into marriage at a young age, deprived of a childhood, education and prospects for an independent future.
OTB Foundation. It was founded in 2006 as a non-profit organization of the OTB group. Created with the mission to act in emergency situations and improve people’s lives in a sustainable way, guaranteeing them equal opportunities. It operates in Italy and around the world through specific selection criteria: direct social impact, sustainability and innovation. From its birth to today, OTB Foundation has invested in over 350 social development projects around the world, with a direct impact on the lives of approximately 350,000 people.
NOVE Caring Humans. It is an Italian NGO, an agile structure that acts in the most complex scenarios and operates mainly in Italy and Afghanistan. Create socioeconomic development projects with a strategic approach to the context and territorial needs. The Association protects the most vulnerable groups, in particular women, children, people with disabilities, migrants and refugees. In Afghanistan, to address the recent humanitarian catastrophe, it develops replicable projects that have a dual impact: containing the emergency and creating sustainable development.
#Afghanistan #orphanage #shelter #girls #opens #Karpisa
What are the key factors contributing to the current challenges faced by orphanages in Afghanistan amidst the ongoing humanitarian crisis?
As a website editor for, I would like to conduct an interview with two guests about the topic of the crucial role of orphanages in providing a safe haven for children in Afghanistan. Given the current humanitarian crisis in the country, it is essential to discuss the impact of orphanages and the challenges they face. The interview will be divided into two sections: one focusing on the experiences and work of Nove Caring Humans, an Italian NGO, and the other discussing the OTB Foundation, a non-profit organization affiliated with the fashion group OTB.
For the section focusing on Nove Caring Humans, I would ask the following questions:
1. Can you tell us about the experiences and challenges you faced while working to establish and operate the orphanage in Kapisa province?
2. What was the response from the local community to the establishment of the orphanage, and how did it impact their perception of NGOs?
3. What surprised you the most about the living conditions of the children and families in the area before the orphanage was established?
4. Can you share any stories or anecdotes that highlight the importance of the orphanage in the lives of the children and their families?
For the section focusing on OTB Foundation:
1. Can you explain how the partnership between Nove Caring Humans and OTB Foundation came about, and what led to the decision to support the establishment of the Kapisa orphanage?
2. What role does the foundation play in ensuring the sustainability of the orphanage, considering the ongoing political and economic instability in Afghanistan?
3. How do you address the issue of gender disparities in the support provided to children, particularly with regards to access to education and healthcare?
4. What are some of the other ways the foundation is supporting vulnerable communities in Afghanistan, and how do these efforts fit into the broader context of the humanitarian crisis?