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welcome to “the voice of thetomorrow” on this Tuesdaysaluda paulina sodiCarolina: List very much.information todaywe start directlyinforming them with somethinglamentablePauline: That’s right.unfortunately passed awaythird stabbing victimments in manhattan afterthat the first two peopleattacked they lost their livesright in the placeCarolina: the alleged author ofthe facts are under arrest andwas identified, weWe connect with our colleaguewho has more information for usfrom new york good morning toPeggy: Good morning, that’s right.police said that ramón rivera51-year-old facesmurder charges forallegedly stab and killto three peoplerandom throughoutmanhattan, according toauthorities everything happened in aperiod of more than two hours inthe first case supposedlystabbed a workerHispanic construction in theabdomen subsequently fled andallegedly stabbed a manwho then simply fisheda 36 year old woman nearthe united nations, a taxi driverwho saw the third attacksupposedly alerted thepolice and rivera was arrested,In fact let’s see what he saidpolice spokesperson>> a taxi driver who saw whathappened with the woman and thoughtthat the woman was the victim of arobbery, the taxi driver chased thesuspiciousPeggy: Apparently he has.extensive criminal historymultiple occasions for robbery andassault and had a history ofmental health problemsLet’s see what the mayor saidfrom new york city ericadams[hablan en inglés]and rivera was full ofblood, his bloody clothesHe had two knives with himwhen he was also arrested ina video was shownputting on a sweatshirt like thatlike a hat and taking out aknife from a backpackCarolina: I’m asking you.quickly what bird hadcriminal record outsideNew YorkPeggy: So far whatwe know is that apparentlyhe would also have been arrestedon multiple occasions in theflorida and also facedassault charges in ohio,returned to youCarolina: Thank you very much.peggypaulina: we talk about the chosen oneby president-elect donaldtrump as tsarborderi mean tom homanwho is heading to the mansionfrom donna i had the florida forgive a finishing touch to yourplanning, comes to lightanother scandal related tothe former congressman whomdonald trump has appointedthe position of attorney general,washington explains it to us in detailwhat is it about good morningedwin please tell uschief of fire servicesstate forestry says thatfor now I don’t knowthey report evacuations and thatno one until now andfortunately it has turned outwounded.paulina: for the first time in more20 years old new york cityThis would be the last step beforeto declare the status ofdrought emergency whichwould have restrictionsmandatory of our watercolleague has more information for us[hablan en inglés]>> it’s not just rain but whereit rains we need that rainin water tanks istime to preserve waterauthorities said in theemergency management officeand it hasn’t rained eitherwater reserves arebelow normal they arrived60% when usually forthis time of year the reservationsof water reach 79% is becausethis that various agencies inthe city announced aswill save water will reduce thewashing the trains and in a50% trains in general andbuses will be washed interdiary meanwhile employeesThey will be attentive to possiblefires in the systemdrought alerts in 10counties and city of newyork state check waterof wells and bodies of waterwhile they worked with themunicipal water suppliersto preserve it in addition to thatgovernor declares banburning debris and weedsthroughout the state askingNew Yorkers who putyour partthey have to turn off the keywhen you brush your teethThey are reasoning and even notflush the toilet when
– What strategies could be implemented to foster better community-police relations and reduce crime rates?
Ded questions to stimulate conversation on each theme. Following are some questions for each theme:
1. New York City Crime:
– How can the city’s crime rate be improved to avoid similar incidents in the future?
– What role do mental health issues play in criminal behavior, and how can they be better addressed?
– How can taxi drivers be better trained to handle potentially dangerous situations?
2. Attacks on Migrants:
– What measures do you think should be taken to ensure the safety of migrant workers in the city?
– How can the city government work with criminal justice system to prevent such attacks?
– How can the community come together to support and protect vulnerable populations?
3. Tom Homan’s appointment as border security chief:
– What are your thoughts on the appointment of a former congressman as border security chief?
– Do you think he is qualified for the position given his history?
– How can the new administration balance border security with humanitarian concerns?
4. New York City Drought:
– What are the long-term impacts of the drought on the city’s water supply?
– How can individuals and communities contribute to water conservation?
– What can be done to mitigate the effects of climate change on water availability in the future?
5. National Politics:
– How concerned are you about the upcoming presidency of Donald Trump and its potential impact on New York City?
– What role do you think the city should play in shaping national policy under the new administration?
– What issues are most important for the city and how can they be prioritized during the coming years?