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Is 10,000 Steps the Golden Standard? New Insights into Walking for Health Benefits


Monitoring daily activities with a cell phone or watch has become a habit for many people. A sense of satisfaction when you successfully complete a daily target, such as 10,000 steps, is the main source of motivation.

However, is this number of steps really the best steps that are beneficial for health?

Named after Good Health, the 10,000 step target first appeared as part of a marketing campaign in Japan during the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.



According to Maureen Wang, a cardiologist at NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital, this number was chosen because it looks interesting and easy to remember, but it is not really based on scientific research.

In fact, you can start to feel the health benefits of moving more and spending less time sitting.

At least 150 minutes of physical activity per week at moderate to vigorous aerobic intensity is recommended for best results. Aerobic activities involve body movements that are intense enough to increase your heart rate, make breathing feel heavier, and make conversation difficult.

This intensity is essential for obtaining cardiovascular benefits, as explained by Sherrie Khadanga, director of cardiac rehabilitation at the University of Vermont Medical Center.

Quoted from Medical News Today, while 10,000 steps is a good target for many people, research in 2021 shows that physical activity above 7,500 steps per day is significantly associated with greater weight loss compared to activity of at least 516 degrees per day.

The following physical activity requirements depend on age:

Age 3-5 years

The CDC recommends that children in this age range stay active throughout the day. Although the number of steps is not specifically mentioned, this activity usually includes active play done every day.

Age 6-17 years

Children and teenagers at this age are advised to do at least 60 minutes of aerobic exercise and muscle strengthening every day.

Based on a 2012 study, this activity equates to approximately 11,290-12,512 steps per day. Therefore, the target of 12,000 steps can be a useful reference.

However, at least 1 hour of this activity should be moderate to vigorous to meet CDC recommendations.

Adults and the elderly

A 2022 meta-analysis of 15 studies concluded that increasing the number of daily steps in adults aged 18 and older was associated with a reduced risk of death from all causes.

(Nadiva El Khasani/suc)

2024-11-18 09:00:00
#thousand #steps #day #live #healthy #life #Search

How ‌does Dr. Sherrie Khadanga suggest individuals ‌assess their physical activity levels beyond just counting steps?

Thank you ⁣for ⁤joining us today at World-Today-News.com! Our first guest is Dr. ⁤Nicholas Wilson, a renowned health expert‍ and fitness ​trainer, and our second guest is Dr. Sherrie Khadanga, a specialist in cardiovascular⁢ disease and⁢ rehabilitation. We will be discussing ⁢how important it is for people to take at least 10,0000 steps a day ​for good health.

Nadiva El Khasani: Hello, Dr. ‍Wilson. Can you tell us about the relevance of the 10,0000 step target⁤ and its ⁤impact on overall health?

Dr. Nicholas Wilson: Hello, Nadiva. The 10,0000 step target was initially introduced in‍ Japan ​during the 1964 Tokyo Olympics as part ⁤of a⁣ marketing campaign‍ for a pedometer. It quickly gained popularity as people realized ‌that moving more and sitting less⁢ can significantly improve their health.⁢ Taking 10,0000 steps a day can help reduce the risk of obesity, heart‌ diseases, diabetes, and even certain types⁣ of cancer.‌ It’s important to remember that it’s not just the number ⁤of steps that matters, but also the intensity and frequency ⁢of physical activity throughout the day.

Nadiva⁢ El Khasani: Thank you, Dr. Wilson. ‌Dr. Khadanga, you have a different perspective ⁤on this target. ‍Can ⁤you explain your ⁢view?

Dr. Sherrie⁢ Khadanga: Absolutely, Nadiva. ⁢While the 10,0000 step target can be a good ⁤starting⁢ point, it‍ doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone.⁢ Scientific ‌research indicates ‍that ‌individuals who take more⁣ than​ 7,5000 steps per day experience greater weight loss compared ‌to those​ who ⁢take at least 5,160 steps per day. The key ‌is to engage in moderate⁤ to vigorous⁤ aerobic activity for at least 150 minutes ‍per week, which can lead ​to significant cardiovascular benefits. ⁣It’s crucial to focus​ on increasing our heart rates and making ⁤our breathing heavier ⁢during these activities.

Nadiva El‍ Khasani: That’s interesting. ⁤So, we‍ should concentrate on ⁤the intensity of the physical activity⁣ rather than just the number of steps. How can individuals determine if they’re meeting ​the recommended‍ level

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