Too wet
Andrea Mühlwisch of the Flowercompany in Vienna-Margareten has a guess: “The plant has probably been watered too much, which is why it has one now Root damage and this led to a fungal disease with spots on the leaves. Dracaenas should always be completely dry before watering again. It is also optimal Amount of water per watering session so that the plant is dry again after about a week. A bright location without direct sun is optimal. The leaves of your plant with spots will no longer be attractive, you can remove them. But the newer leaves in the middle look good. I think the plant will recover with more sparing watering.”
Repotting The expert wouldn’t, because “that would mean more stress and possibly damage even more roots. If you repot the Dracaena – better later than too early – then mix perlite or coconut fiber with good potting soil so that the substrate is more airy and permeable.”
Be careful when shopping
Andrea Mühlwisch adds: “When buying dracaenas, you should always make sure that the pot is well rooted. These plants are often produced very quickly and cheaply and are sold without having formed sufficient roots. If there are few roots and a lot of soil, waterlogging quickly occurs.”
Gardeners know advice
Regardless of whether it is about the optimal cut for your rose or the right care for orchids: Take the opportunity and send us your questions – with a photo of your plant – to:
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