It is the town hall of Sainte-Luce-sur-Loire who relays this call for witnesses from the gendarmes. A resident of the town, 78 years old, has not been found since Saturday, November 16, midday. On its Facebook page, the town hall explains that “the report of his disappearance was made in the middle of the day, the retiree could have left his home between midnight and this Saturday morning”. He then had to move into an apartment during the day. An investigation is open.
His vehicle is a Hyundai SUV, Tucson model, metallic gray, registration EK-506-VJ. The man is Caucasian, of slim build, with white, shoulder-length hair. Anyone with useful information is invited to contact the Sainte-Luce-sur-Loire brigade at 02 51 13 39 90.
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