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Dr Péchier case: 12 deaths on prescription?

Transcription of the first minutes of the podcast:

Sud Radio, noon 1 p.m., the case within the case.
– Hello, welcome to your appointment with legal news, the case within the case, a program in partnership with the journal Criminal Affairs.
– Together, we will revisit the cases that have marked the history of crime or current events, every week with Jean-Marie Bordry, of course.
– Stéphane Simon, hello.
– And the accomplice Victor Lefebvre, editor-in-chief of the Criminal Affairs magazine, the magazine of Max Keis, the YouTuber with 2 million subscribers.
– When will this review arrive, dear Victor? It arrives in December, it will be delivered to the foot of the tree for Christmas and we have a few surprises in store for you.
– Okay, great. Today, we are going to talk to you about the case of Doctor Péchier.
– And we are very lucky because we will be with the two main lawyers in this case, Maître Frédéric Bernard and Lee Taketmit, lawyer for Frédéric Péchier, who will be examined by the Doubs Assize Court.
– The Péchier affair, named after the medical doctor, anesthesiologist, resuscitator, Frédéric Péchier, indicted and suspected of premeditated poisoning for acts committed between April 2009 and January 2017 at the Saint-Vincent clinic and the polyclinic of Franche-Comté in Besançon.
– Was this anesthetist, resuscitator with no prior history, using his colleagues’ patients to settle scores? In any case, he is referred to the Doubs Assize Court, as I told you.
– The trial is announced for 2025 without us yet knowing the exact date.
– But if you don’t mind, let’s start by recalling the facts.
– It is January 11, 2017 in Besançon, at the Saint-Vincent clinic, an imposing clinic with several floors which opened its doors in 1992 and enjoys a good reputation.
– It is for this reason that Sandra Simard, a young woman of 36 years old, in good health and without any comorbidity factors, decided to have an operation there for back pain.
– She is going to have basic spinal surgery, it is Doctor Grégory Godfrein who must carry out this quite banal operation.
– Sandra Simard does not present any particular risk due to anesthesia and yet that day, Sandra Simard did not wake up normally.
– On the operating table, she suffered a cardiac arrest which required emergency transfer to the hospital and prolonged resuscitation.
– What exactly happened? Was the responsible anesthesiologist, Doctor Anne-Sophie Ballondolle, at fault? Unlikely.
– She is a professional with an unequivocal background.
– Inside the Saint-Vincent clinic in Besançon, there is amazement.
– Because this is not the first time that an event of this nature has occurred.
– In hospital jargon, this type of accident is called an SAE, meaning a serious adverse event.
– The head of the intensive care unit, Doctor Pili Flory, taken aback, decides not to stop there.
– He asks the anesthesiologist to collect everything that may have been administered to the patient and to send it all for laboratory examinations.
– He seeks to understand.
– This is one unwanted event too many.

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