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New library manager in Dreieich: getting children excited about reading

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Looking forward to her new task: Maria Castelli succeeds Bärbel Moschny and takes over the management of the Götzenhain school and district library. © city

A new face in Götzenhain: Maria Castelli heads the district library at the Karl Nahrgang School. The position at the Weibelfeldschule is still open

Dreieich – The end of the emergency solution is in sight: the Götzenhain branch of the Dreieich city library will return to its usual opening hours in the first week of December. Maria Castelli, who has been learning the ropes for a few weeks, will be in charge.

Promoting reading as a project of the heart

The personnel changes in the city library continue, another piece of the mosaic has fallen into place. The position in Götzenhain was vacant for a few months after Bärbel Moschny retired. Maria Castelli is now taking over. The 26-year-old comes from Rödermark. “I’m particularly looking forward to working with young readers, because promoting reading is a project close to my heart,” says the young woman. “Making children curious about books and stories is a wonderful task.” Opening hours from December: Tuesdays from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Fridays from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

The facility in Götzenhain is a combination of school and district library: integrated into the Karl Nahrgang School, it is open to everyone. The concept is that of a family library that invites you to browse and discover in a friendly atmosphere. But of course the library is characterized by its connection to the younger target group.

Personnel changes in the district libraries

So that at least one day a week could be open during the transition phase, Mathias Hein stepped in on Fridays. He can now concentrate fully on his work in the Dreieichenhainer district library in Fahrgasse. The long-time head of the self-learning center in the House of Lifelong Learning (HLL) has long since arrived there and, for example, has awakened the reading garden from its slumber with several events.

After the personnel changes in Offenthal – here Gaby Dietrich took over from Christa Langener – and in the HLL, where Florian Namokel succeeded Mathias Hein, the personnel change is almost complete. Only one management position remains to be filled: that of the Weibelfeldschule school and district library. Linda Hein said goodbye there in the summer after 16 years and moved to Neu-Isenburg.

It was not possible to find out yesterday what stage the process was at. Headmaster Erik Grundmann and library manager Julia Deißler were not available.

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