Entered 2024.11.16 11:03 Modified 2024.11.16 11:04 Reporter Kim Tae-hoon ([email protected])
New Chairman Ha Hyung-joo. ⓒ Korea Sports Promotion Foundation
Ha Hyeong-ju (62), a gold medalist in judo at the 1984 LA Olympics, was nominated as chairman of the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation.
According to an official from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism on the 15th, nominee Ha Hyeong-joo, who is currently in charge of the corporation’s audit, has taken over as the new chairman and will be officially inaugurated next week.
Current Chairman Cho Hyeon-jae’s three-year term ended last February, but he has continued to serve as Chairman as a successor has not been determined.
Chairman Cho Hyeon-jae will hold his retirement ceremony on the 15th, and the inauguration ceremony for nominee Ha Hyeong-ju will be held on the afternoon of the 20th.
Nominee Ha Hyeong-joo graduated from Busan Physical Education High School and Dong-A University and won a gold medal in the men’s 95kg judo class at the 1984 LA Olympics. This is Korea Judo’s second Olympic gold medal.
There is also a gold medal from the 1986 Seoul Asian Games.
At the 2002 Busan Asian Games, she jointly lit the torch with North Korea’s ‘judo hero’ Gye Sun-hee, and last month, she was named as a sports hero of the Republic of Korea by the Korea Sports Council.
Nominee Ha entered politics as a member of the Busan City Council in 1996 and also worked to nurture younger generations as a professor at Dong-A University, his alma mater.
He contributed to the launch of the Yoon Seok-yeol government by serving as the head of the special advisory group for sports support of the People Power Party’s 20th Presidential Central Election Committee in 2021, and was appointed as a standing auditor of the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation in August of last year.
As a standing auditor of the Seoul Olympic Games Commemorative Sports Promotion Foundation, who took office in August 2022, he strives to create a transparent and vibrant organizational culture, including establishing and operating the ‘Active Administrative Innovation Committee’ and introducing the sports industry’s first non-real name proxy reporting procedure through the ‘Safe Lawyer’ system. It was evaluated as having greatly contributed to improving the integrity of executives and employees.
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var snsSummary = “1984 LA올림픽 유도 금메달리스트 하형주(62)가 국민체육진흥공단 이사장에 내정됐다.15일 문화체육관광부 관계자에 따르면, 현재 공단 감사를 맡고 있는 하형주 내정자가 새 이사장을 맡게 됐으며 다음 주 공식 취임한다.조현재 현 이사장은 지난 2월, 3년 임기가 끝났지만 후임자가 정해지지 않아 계속 이사장직을 수행해왔다.조현재 이사장은 15일 퇴임식을 하고 하형주 내정자 취임식은 20일 오후 펼쳐질 예정이다.하형주 내정자는 부산체고와 동아대 출신으로 1984 LA올림픽 유도 남자 95㎏급에서 금메달을 획득했다. 한국 유도의 두 번째 올림픽 금메달이다.1986 서울 아시안게임 금메달도 있다.2002년 부산아시안게임에서는 북한 ‘유도 영웅’ 계순희와 성화를 공동 점화했고, 지난달 대한체육회 선정 대한민국 스포츠 영웅에도 이름을 올렸다.하 내정자는 1996년 부산시 의회 의원으로 정계에 입문했으며 모교인 동아대 교수로 후학 양성에도 힘썼다. 2021년 국민의힘 제20대 대통령중앙선거대책위원회 체육지원특보단장을 맡아 윤석열 정부 출범에 기여했고, 지난해 8월 국민체육진흥공단 상임 감사에 선임됐다.2022년 8월 부임한 서울올림픽기념국민체육진흥공단 상임감사로는 ‘적극행정혁신위원회’설치·운영, ‘안심변호사’ 제도를 통한 체육계 최초 비실명 대리 신고 절차 도입 등 투명하고 활기찬 조직문화 조성을 위해 노력했고, 임직원 청렴도 향상에 크게 공헌했다는 평가를 받았다.”
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