From the <a href="" title="Political polls, FdI continues to decline: worst figure since he came into government. The Democratic Party is growing, but the decline of the 5S is holding back the centre-left”>Superaverage of this week’s polls a stable picture emerges, compared to that of recent weeks, albeit with some new elements. One is the “rapprochement” between FI and Lega, with a gap of 0.3%, the other is the new “negative record” of Azione: with 2.5% it is now almost on par with Iv, which, as +Europe, however, remains steadily above 2%.
This, in detail, is Supermedia.
FdI 29,5 (+0,3)
Pd 22,8 (+0,2)
M5S 11,4 (-0,5)
Forza Italia 9,1 (-0,1)
Lega 8,8 (+0,2)
Greens/Left 6,4 (+0,2)
Action 2,5 (-0,2)
Italia Viva 2,4 (+0,1)
+Europa 2,0 (=)
We Moderates 1,0 (=)
Centre-right 48,4 (+0,5)
Centre-left 31,2 (+0,4)
M5S 11,4 (-0,5)
Third Pole 4,9 (=)
Others 4,1 (-0,4)
NB: the variations in brackets indicate the deviation compared to the Superaverage of two weeks ago (31 October 2024).
NOTE: The YouTrend/Agi Supermedia is a weighted average of national polls on voting intentions. Today’s weighting, which includes surveys carried out from 31 October to 13 November, was carried out on 14 November based on the sample size, the date of completion and the data collection method.
The surveys considered were carried out by the institutes Demopolis (publication date: 13 November), EMG (1 and 8 November), Euromedia (13 November), Quorum (5 November), SWG (4 and 11 November), and Tecnè (2 and November 9).
The detailed methodological note of each survey considered is available on the official website
#Political #polls #FdI #growing #Lega #Forza #Italia #paired