Home » Business » L.Bilancio, Meloni: We have stopped throwing citizens’ money out the window

L.Bilancio, Meloni: We have stopped throwing citizens’ money out the window

“A maneuver inspired by common sense and pragmatism, which concentrates the resources available to support companies that hire and create jobs, and to strengthen the purchasing power of families”. Thus the prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, in a message sent to the general assembly of Confimi.

“We have, in fact, stopped throwing citizens’ money out the window, or into secondary or even useless, if not counterproductive, things, and we have lowered taxes, despite the situation of the public finances that we have inherited which is not exactly easy – he specifies -. We have made the cut in the tax wedge structural, we have extended the contribution exemption for working mothers with at least two children also to self-employed women and we have renewed the tax relief on productivity bonuses and fringe benefits. We confirmed the super deduction of 120% of the cost of labor for new hires, and chose to refinance Nuova Sabatini, bringing the fund for 2025 to 607 million euros and increasing resources until 2029. And where did we get the money to do all this, since we don’t have much money? Part of it comes from the new relationship that we have built between tax authorities and taxpayers and which has allowed us to have more revenue in the state coffers. Another from the containment of ministerial spending and yet another from banks and insurance companies. It is something that no one had had the courage to do until now and which represents a great innovation compared to the past.”

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