Today, November 13, is World Kindness Day. Believers honor the memory of Saint John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople. There are 48 days left until the New Year.
November 13, 2024 – Wednesday. 994th day of the war in Ukraine.
What kind of church holiday is it today?
November 13 in the church calendar – Memorial Day of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople. He was born in 349 in Constantinople (modern day Istanbul) and was known for his excellent preaching work and influence on the development of Christianity. John Chrysostom was Archbishop of Constantinople (Constantinople) from 398 to 404. He is famous for his sermons full of spiritual power and deep understanding of the Bible. His sermons were popular and influenced the lives of thousands of people. Saint John Chrysostom died in 407, but his spiritual legacy lives on today. His sermons and writings are important to Christian spirituality and influence the lives of believers around the world.
What not to do on November 13
- You cannot be greedy on this day, because you will spend the New Year in poverty.
- It is forbidden to go on a long journey.
- You can’t swear, torture, or argue.
Folk signs and traditions for November 13
Among our ancestors there were many signs of interest for today:
- we looked at what day it was: the wind all day and died down only in the evening – it was warming up;
- It will snow heavily during the day – night frost is expected;
- stars laughing at night – to snowy and windy weather;
- frost on the trees – for next year’s fruit.
Our ancestors believed that it was very important to work hard physically on this day. Such work brings wealth and happiness to the family.
Name day: what to call a child born on November 13
What is the name of today? German, Ivan.
The talisman is a person born on November 13 Beryl. This stone has long been believed to be the guardian of the family hearth. Beryl was also considered a woman’s stone, which provides warm family relationships.
He was born on this day:
- 1937 – Ukrainian kobzar, bandura player from Yalta, Crimean Ukrainian Ostap Kindrachuk;
- 1943 – Ukrainian politician, leader of the Crimean Tatar people (leader of the Majlis for many years) Mustafa Dzhemilev;
- 1940 – academician-Secretary of the Department of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, director of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the leading expert in the world in the field of nonlinear elliptic averages and parabolic equations, person -keeping the Order of Friendship of People (1986), Yaroslav the Wise V3 more than 170 scientific works Igor Skripnik .
Memorable dates November 13
Calendar of important events in Ukraine and the world for November 13:
- 1851 – the Nikolaev railway was put into operation;
- 1918 – the government of Hetman Pavel Skoropadsky releases Simon Petlyura from prison, who immediately went to Bila Tserkva to organize a revolution;
- 1918 – a secret meeting of the National Union of Ukraine begins, where the Directory of the UPR – the highest body of state power – is created;
- 1918 – in Lviv, the National Council of Ukraine adopts a temporary basic law, which declared the People’s Republic of Western Ukraine;
- [1945-annsanFhraingthaTeàrlachdeGaulleairathaghadhmarcheannardairanRiaghaltasSealach;[1945-annsanFhraingthaTeàrlachdeGaulleairathaghadhmarcheannardairanRiaghaltasSealach;
- 1971 – chaidh a’ chiad bhàta-fànais eadar-phlanntach agus a’ chiad saideal fuadain de Mars (Mariner 9, USA) a chuir air bhog ann an orbit timcheall air Mars;
- 1980 – tha an soitheach-fànais Ameireaganach Voyager 1 a ‘sgaoileadh a’ chiad dhealbhan dlùth de Saturn chun na Talmhainn;
- 1994 – an dèidh referendum, an t-Suain a ‘tighinn còmhla ris an EU;
- 1997 – a ‘chiad choinneamh a-riamh de Choimisean Taghaidh Meadhan na h-Ugràin;
- 2007 – Tha Pàrlamaid na h-Eòrpa ag aontachadh gun tèid aontaidhean a chuir an gnìomh eadar an Aonadh Eòrpach agus an Ugràin mu bhith a’ comasachadh bhìosa agus a’ faighinn a-steach a-rithist.
Aimsir air 13 Samhain
An-diugh, 13 Samhain, tha e sgòthach ann an Kyiv, gun sileadh. Tha e sgòthach ann an Lviv agus chan eil dùil ri sileadh sam bith. Ann an Kharkov tha e sgòthach, gun sileadh. Ann an Odessa, sgòthach, gun sileadh.
Is e teòthachd an adhair ann an Kyiv +4 tron latha agus +1 air an oidhche. Ann an Lviv – +6 latha is oidhche. Ann an Kharkov – +3 tron latha agus 0 air an oidhche. Ann an Odessa – +7 tron latha agus +3 air an oidhche.
Dè an latha a th’ ann an-diugh san Úcráin agus san t-saoghal?
November 13 is celebrated in Ukraine and in the world World Kindness Day. This day was started in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, which brings together various charitable and voluntary organizations from around the world. The purpose of this holiday is to remind people of the importance of kindness, compassion and mutual support. On World Kindness Day, people are encouraged to take actions that show kindness and compassion, from large acts of charity to simple gestures of help. Popular initiatives include giving a neighbor a ride to work, supporting charities, volunteering, or just saying kind words.
Also on November 13 International Day of the Blind. It was established at the initiative of the World Health Organization. The purpose of this goal is to draw attention to the problems of visually impaired people, to support their right to equal opportunities and to emphasize the need to integrate such people into society. The date was chosen in honor of the birthday of Valentin Gahuy, a French teacher who became one of the world’s first teachers of the blind. In the 18th century, he opened the first school for blind children in Paris, where special teaching methods were used. His actions became an inspiration for the development of education for the visually impaired.
And also November 13 International Day of Pathology. This day was established to raise awareness of the importance of pathology in medicine and to recognize the contribution that pathologists make to keeping people healthy and alive. It was initiated by the International Academy of Pathology in collaboration with other professional societies.
November 13 Symphonic Metal Day. It is an unofficial holiday for fans of this unique genre of music. Symphonic metal is a subgenre of heavy metal that combines elements of classical music and symphonic arrangements with heavy guitar riffs, powerful drums, and often operatic or choral vocals. This genre began in Europe in the 90s, and among its first representatives were the groups Nightwish (Finland), Inside Temptation (Netherlands), Therion (Sweden), Epica and others.
Also on November 13 Cervical Cancer Action Day. This day was created to raise awareness about this type of cancer, prevention options and the importance of early diagnosis. Cervical cancer is a common cancer in women, but it can be prevented through regular screening and vaccination against the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is the main cause of the disease. At the global level, the World Health Organization (WHO) is actively working on programs to fight breast cancer and is carrying out awareness campaigns encouraging women to undergo regular screening (such as PAP and HPV testing) and learn more about prevention. In addition, many countries have national vaccination programs that include free HPV vaccination for girls and boys.
2024-11-13 02:41:00
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