Article published on: 12/11/2024 09:17:20
This is the press release issued by the Caserta Local Health Authority: “The conference on the biennial experience of monitoring the structures that provide services in the context of the rehabilitation for subjects with – we read in the press release – physical, mental and sensory disabilities, and on the basis of the critical issues found in the application of current legislation on authorisation, institutional accreditation and protection of the health and safety of workers in work environments. Among the specific objectives of Project Lines 06 and 08 of the Regional Prevention Plan 2020-2025, the importance of managing the risk from manual handling of loads which, in the area of application of interest, ignites spotlight on – we read again – correct management of patient handling procedures, both to guarantee the safety of users and to prevent accidents at work and professional diseases that can arise affecting the musculoskeletal system of the healthcare workers themselves.
The participation in the conference of entrepreneurs in the healthcare sector of the province of Caserta, of the stakeholders, of the trade associations, of the professionals in the field of hygiene and safety in the workplace, as well as of the competent doctors, with the coordination of the ASL Caserta – states again the press release – and of the Campania Region, represents an opportunity to share and disseminate useful tools and knowledge to develop and implement effective prevention strategies, aimed at creating safe working environments. The conference is sponsored by OMCEO Caserta, by Confindustria Caserta , by ASMECO (Association of Competent Doctors from Campania) and by the Order of Prevention and Medical Radiology Technicians of Naples-Avellino-Benevento-Caserta, and also representatives of the FF.OO. of the territory with which the surveillance services often cooperate in control activities. Speakers will include Dr. Amedeo Blasotti, General Director of ASL Caserta (in photo ed.); Dr. Vincenzo Giordano, Director of the Campania Region UOD 20; Dr. Saverio Misso, Health Director of ASL Caserta; Dr. Vincenzo Iodice – we read again – Coordinator of ASL Caserta health districts; Dr. Pasquale Gravino, Commander Carabinieri NAS Caserta; Dr. Carlo Manzi, President of OMCEO Caserta; Dr. Giancarlo Ricciardelli, Director of the ASL Caserta Prevention Department; the Eng. Alessandro Mandolini, Director of the Engineering Department. Course Director and PP06 Line Representative, Dr. Sara Fusco, Head of the UOSD Authorizations and Accreditations for Healthcare Structures; Scientific director, Dr. Leonilde Pezone, PP06 Working Group Representative, UOPLL2 Medical Director; Organizational Secretariat – continues the press release – Lawyer Ilaria Palmiero, Engineer Marco Martino and CPS Dr. Concetta Petruolo. At the end of the works we will be happy to invite you to participate in the life of the “Wheel of Exhibits of the Royal House of the Annunziata”.