Home » Technology » iPhone owners around the world have lost their Notes. Check yours, here is the solution to the problem

iPhone owners around the world have lost their Notes. Check yours, here is the solution to the problem

On our forum A couple of days ago, iPhone owners began to wonder where they went Notes. There was no obvious reason for this. In addition, the notes themselves are still in the account – if you go to iCloud.comthen they will all appear there as before.

Instead of answering everyone what happened and how to solve this problem, we decided to publish this detailed guide.

There are two solutions at the same time: the first one should help the majority, and the second one should help those who are not helped by the first one.

The first way

You may not have noticed this, but over the past few weeks, all Apple devices have asked their owners accept the new iCloud terms of use. Someone got a pop-up window. For others, this request appeared directly in Settings on an iPhone.

If you agree to these conditions (and usually there is no other option), you may encounter this problem: you lose access to notes synced with iCloud .

This is easy to fix:

1. Connect to Wi-Fi and open Settings on an iPhone

2. Click on your profile picture at the top of the options list

3. Select an item iCloud

4. If the conversion Sync this iPhone turn it on, turn it off, wait a minute, then turn it on again. If it was turned off, then turn it on.

5. After a few minutes, open the application Notes.

Usually, by now, all your previously lost notes should have started downloading to your iPhone. If this hasn’t happened yet, it’s okay – maybe due to the low speed of the Internet connection, overheating of the iPhone or other system processes, there is still a delay during synchronization in iOS.

Within 24 hours, the Notes will definitely return if you are connected to Wi-Fi or fast mobile internet.

The second way

You should only visit if the first solution to the problem did not work within 24 hours.

1. Open Settings on an iPhone

2. Click on your profile picture at the top of the options list

3. Scroll down to the bottom and click the red button log out

4. Turn on all the toggles to sync your iPhone data in advance

5. Wait until logging out of your account is complete.

6. Sign in to your iCloud account again.

Now all your data from the Apple “cloud” will start downloading to the device again, and with it, your notes will return to Notes.

I hope this helps you resolve an issue that many have encountered over the past week.



On our forum a couple of days ago, iPhone owners started asking where their notes went. There was no obvious reason for this. In addition, the notes themselves are still in the account – if you go to iCloud.com, they will all appear there as before. Instead of answering everyone what happened and how to solve this problem, we decided to publish this…

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