WhatsApp is releasing a new update. It is intended to revolutionize the organization of chats and the management of contacts. That is planned.
Kassel – WhatsApp plans to release an update in the near future. This is intended to help users manage their conversations more efficiently and organize their contacts more clearly. Improved contact management and new features provide practical tools to use the Messenger app more safely.
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One of the main innovations of the upcoming WhatsApp update is the implementation of the “Lists” function, as explained on the WhatsApp website. With this innovation, users can sort their chats according to their own categories and thus structure their conversations at a glance. The inspiration for lists comes from the “chat filter” introduced in the spring, which made it possible to search specifically for messages. According to WhatsApp, user reactions to the filter function were positive, which is why the concept has now been further developed in the form of lists.
WhatsApp is releasing a new WhatsApp. (Symbolic image) © IMAGO / Zoonar
The lists can be used to organize chats according to personal criteria. Users have the option to create lists for family chats, work groups or neighborhood groups and thus find their most important contacts and chats in a clear structure. This not only makes organization easier, but also allows quick access to relevant conversations – a useful feature for users with a large number and variety of chats.
WhatsApp aims to make chats clearer: Update introduces list function
Using the list function is easy: To create a new list, just click on the + symbol in the filter bar of the chat tab. Existing lists can be edited and updated by long pressing on the list name. Similar to Favorites, users can add both individual and group chats to lists, which are then visible in the filter bar.
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In addition to the lists, the update also offers improvements in contact management, according to WhatsApp. Previously, it was only possible to add contacts via mobile devices by either entering a phone number or scanning a QR code. However, with the new update, contacts can also be added and managed via WhatsApp Web and on Windows computers, which WhatsApp says will make handling contacts easier.
This advanced contact management provides an additional option that will particularly benefit users who share their mobile phone with others or use multiple WhatsApp accounts for different purposes. It is now possible to save contacts exclusively in WhatsApp – separately from the contacts stored on the phone. This not only increases data protection, but also makes the usual dual SIM use unnecessary. For example, it becomes easier to separate business and private contacts and still access both types of contacts at any time in the app.
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The contacts saved in WhatsApp are retained even if the device is lost or needs to be replaced. In addition, the feature will soon be available on other linked devices, enabling flexible contact management across different platforms.
The update also brings improvements to increase privacy. In the future, users will be able to manage and save contacts via user names. This eliminates the previous need to provide the phone number when contacting a new person. WhatsApp announced that the update with the new functions will be gradually released for all users this year.
The developers also plan to further expand the list function so that users can make their communication even more targeted and personal. The instant messaging service is constantly striving to improve the user experience through updates, most recently in July 2024. Another update brings color to WhatsApp chats. WhatsApp is also planning a groundbreaking innovation: users will soon be able to communicate with contacts from other messengers. (ls)