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Aliat. History and stories

Building on the success of the last meeting around the discovery of water in Génat which brought together a very large audience, Marie-Françoise Kalandadze, mayor of Alliat, will repeat this experience on November 9 at 6pm in the town hall hall. This time, it is a question of inviting the public to an evening around the stories and stories of Alliat, especially those that link it to the other two nearby societies of Génat and Lapège, over time ranging from the 12th to the 19th century.

It is true that it is difficult to talk about one of them without mentioning the other, since their history over the centuries is so common. However, the town of Alliat stands out with its three castles, residences of lords and barons. He had a very interesting career, controversial relations with Niaux about the division of the church, that about giving water to the Vicdessos. The trials brought by the barons, the fights, the crimes, the convictions were legion, so many situations that we find in the “Crime du Gamat”, a novel by Denise Dejean. It is these many rich events that Jean-Pierre Mathe has collected and presented to us this Saturday.

After these stories are told, at 7pm, the audience will be able to partake in a friendly drink followed by a meal in the style of a Spanish restaurant. All participants should indicate their attendance at the conference and the dinner by registering by returning to: mairie.alliat@wanadoo.fr

2024-11-08 06:49:00
#Aliat #History #stories

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