Conceived and produced by a box office heavyweight, Franck Gastambide, “La cage”, a French series on MMA, is broadcast from Friday November 7 on Netflix, a new step in opening this sport to the general public as well. spectacular than violent.
“I take responsibility for trying to ensure that the broadest audience likes the story that I am going to tell,” Gastambide, a fan of this combat sport which mixes boxing and wrestling, formerly called free combat or free-fight and which mixes mixed martial arts, often referred to by the English acronym MMA for mixed martial arts.
In five episodes, “The Cage” tells the story of the rise of a young MMA champion. He is played by Melvin Boomer, known for having played the rapper JoeyStarr in the series “The World of Tomorrow”, on the group NTM. Classic, the story evokes that of the boxer “Rocky” by Sylvester Stallone, a claimed influence of Gastambide. The latter has also carved out a role for himself as a coach reminiscent of Rocky’s old coach, with the same hat still screwed on his head. 8c9a-d91c37658659