Home » Sport » Aging trend… The number of people with transportation disabilities and transportation facilities is also steadily increasing.

Aging trend… The number of people with transportation disabilities and transportation facilities is also steadily increasing.

▲Marking of accessible transportation methods such as buses and railways / Photo = Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport

  • disabled person, Transportation vulnerable people such as elderly people‘22compared to year 18increase in 10,000 people
  • Compare to the legal number of special transportation vehicles 101.4% Adoption achieved
  • Suitability rate for transportation facilities ‘21compared to year 3.8%p increase

[더인디고] The government released results showing that the transportation convenience facilities for the transportation vulnerable are steadily increasing, including the introduction of low-floor bus routes and the compliance rate of transportation convenience facilities.

On the 4th, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced the results of the ‘2023 Survey on the Transportation Convenience of the Transportation Disadvantaged’ targeting eight special cities, metropolitan cities, and special autonomous cities. The survey method is conducted alternately every other year for 8 special, metropolitan, and autonomous cities and 9 provinces, and the contents include the status of the transportation vulnerable, mobility status, and the installation and management status of transportation convenience facilities by region.

Transportation disadvantaged‘22compared to year 18increase of 10,000 people

According to the survey results, as of the end of ’23, the number of transportation vulnerable people in Korea who experience inconvenience in movement, such as the disabled, the elderly, pregnant women, their companions with infants and young children, and children, was 15.86 million, or 30.9% of the total population of 51.33 million. This is an increase of approximately 180,000 (+1.1%) compared to the number of transportation vulnerable people in 2022 of 15.68 million.

‘Compared to 22, the total population decreased by about 110,000 people (-0.2%), while the transportation disadvantaged increased. Transportation disadvantaged By type, depending on the aging trend, elderly people(65aged over)go 973Highest rate at 10,000 people(61.3%)take up▲Disabled people were 2.64 million people (16.7%), ▲children were 2.3 million people (14.5%), ▲accompanying infants were 2.45 million people (15.4%), and ▲pregnant women were 230,000 people (1.4%).

▲Trend of population of transportation vulnerable / Data = Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport▲Trend of population of transportation vulnerable / Data = Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport

Compliance rate with standards for overall transportation facilities‘21compared to year 3.8%p increase

’23 special/metropolitan city means of transportation, Passenger facilities, road name(Walking environment)The installation rate that meets the standards for mobile convenience facilities is 85.3%investigated byDone. ‘This is a 3.8% point increase compared to the 21 year survey.

Mobility facilities refer to facilities for convenient movement of the transportation vulnerable, such as elevators for the disabled and rest facilities for pregnant women. In particular, the appropriate installation rate was 79.4% in 2019, showing a steady increase every year.

Specifically, in 2023, the standard compliance installation rate for 10 items of transportation convenience facilities such as electronic text information boards, destination signs, wheelchair lifting facilities, and seats for the mobility impaired is 88.3%. ‘It was found that there was an increase in all sectors, including an 8% point increase compared to the 21 year survey.

For bus vehicles, the standard compliance installation rate exceeded 90% in all eight cities, reaching an average of 95.9%, an increase of 0.8 percentage points compared to 2021. Seoul had the highest rate at 98.1%, and Sejong City had the largest increase, rising 8.8% points in ’23 compared to ’21. For each item, the appropriate installation rate of destination markings and vertical handles was 100%, but the appropriate installation rate of seats for the mobility impaired was 87.6%.

The standard compliance installation rate for urban and metropolitan railway vehicles was 97.3% in a nationwide survey, an increase of 1.3 percentage points compared to 2021. The Korea Railroad Corporation-operated sections such as the Gyeongbu, Donghae, and Gyeongwon lines, as well as Daegu Line 1, Gwangju Line 1, Daejeon Line 1, and Ui New Line, showed a standard compliance installation rate of 100%. For reference, the Sillim Line opened in May 2022 and the Uijeongbu Light Rail, Sillim Line, and Yongin Light Rail, which were not included in the survey in 2021, did not meet the standards for destination indication. In particular, the standard compliance installation rate for railway vehicles was 99.4% during the nationwide survey, the highest among the survey subjects, and is expected to approach 100% as old trains are replaced with new trains in the future.

When conducting a nationwide survey of aircraft, the standard compliance installation rate was found to be 73.9%. In the case of low-cost airlines, items such as video guidance did not meet the standards. Air Premia and Eastar Jet were not included in the 2021 survey.

In a nationwide survey of passenger ships, the standard compliance installation rate was 74.9%, an increase of 37.1 percentage points compared to 2021. This was analyzed as the effect of improving facilities according to the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries’ “Coastal Passenger Ship Convenience Facilities Installation and Support Project” (2020 – 2023).

The installation rate of passenger facilities meeting the standards for mobile convenience facilities is ‘21compared to year 2.8%p risen 82.8%It was found that the appropriate installation rate increased in all sectors.. For reference, the passenger facility installation rate covers 23 items, including entrances, elevators, restrooms for the transportation vulnerable, Braille blocks, ticket booths, and rest facilities for pregnant women.

also The installation rate that complies with the passenger vehicle terminal standards is 69.9%as ‘21Year-to-year comparison 0.7%p risingSejong City had the highest compliance rate at 85.6%. The compliance rate for each detailed item was 90.4% for platforms, but 25% for information and guidance facilities.

The bus stop standard compliance installation rate was 61.7%, an increase of 4.6 percentage points compared to 2021, and Ulsan City’s compliance rate was the highest at 68.9%. The compliance rate for each detailed item was 90.5% for chin lowering, but 25.5% for information board Braille and voice guidance.

The standard compliance rate for urban and metropolitan railway stations was 91.8%, an increase of 0.9 percentage points compared to 2021, and the standard compliance rate for the airport railway was the highest at 96.9%. The compliance rate for each detailed item was 99.7% for the Braille block, but 80.2% for the entrance door.

In addition, the installation rate conforming to railway station standards was 89.9%, an increase of 1.5 percentage points compared to 2021. The compliance rate for each detailed item was 100% for Braille blocks, but 73.4% for guidance and guidance facilities.

The standard compliance rate for the airport passenger terminal was 93.7%, an increase of 7.7 percentage points compared to ’21, and Ulsan Airport’s standard compliance rate was the highest at 98.9%. The compliance rate for each detailed item was 100% for pedestrian access and Braille blocks, but it was 90.8% for the ticket booth.

The standard compliance rate for the passenger ship terminal was 89.5%, an increase of 1.2 percentage points compared to 2021, and the standard compliance rate for the Incheon Port Coastal Passenger Terminal was the highest at 96.1%. Yonggi Pohang and Daeyeonpyeong Island Passenger Terminal were not suitable for maternal rest facilities.

Mobility status of transportation vulnerable persons, Different transportation methods used by the transportation vulnerable

Results of a survey on the main means of transportation used by mobility-disadvantaged people, When traveling within the autonomous district, take the bus(32.4%)Use or walk(29.8%, Wheelchair access included)Go mainly todid it It was found that buses (42.6%) and subways (28.1%) were mainly used to travel within special, metropolitan, and autonomous cities, and cars (62.8%) and trains (15.5%) were used to travel outside the city.

It was found that disabled people use voucher/rental taxis (basic 15.0%, metropolitan 20.0%, inter-regional 12.1%) and special transportation (basic 5.5%, metropolitan 6.7%, inter-regional 3.1%) for all trips.

In addition, the bus and subway usage rate of the visually impaired (basic 25%, metropolitan area 35.1%) is lower than that of the visually impaired (basic 52.5%, metropolitan 54.8%) and hearing (basic 68.9%, metropolitan 65.6%) disabled people. There were differences in the use of transportation depending on the type of disability.

Low-floor buses and special transportation : Penetration rate continues to rise

There are no stairs and the body of the car is low. wheelchair user, Win for the elderly, etc.·Low floor bus that is easy to get off(city ​​bus)of ‘23The national penetration rate in years is 38.9%as ‘22compared to year 4.1%p risingdid it The number of special transportation means is approximately 101.4% of the legal number (one or more special transportation vehicles per 150 people with severe walking disabilities), which is the first time nationwide that the legal number has been achieved.

▲Low-floor bus penetration rate by region, dispatch interval / Data = Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport▲Low-floor bus penetration rate by region, dispatch interval / Data = Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport

The interval between low-floor buses is ‘23National average per year 26.4by the minute ‘22year 26.8There was some improvement in minutes, but, Maximum between regions 81.2deviation in minutesThere was. The number of low-floor bus routes in 2023 was 2,497, an increase of 666 routes compared to 1,831 in 2022.

The number of special transportation vehicles operated is 4268big(‘22year)at 4600boulevard 332has been increased. The overall operating performance is 942With 10,000 cases ‘22compared to year 83It was found that the number of cases increased by 10,000(+9.7%). In terms of wide-area travel, medium- and long-distance travel increased (+29%), reaching 410,000 cases (320,000 cases in 2022).

Park Jeong-soo, Director of Comprehensive Transportation Policy at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, said, “The interest in improving transportation convenience for the transportation vulnerable has resulted in continuous improvement of transportation convenience facilities,” adding, “We plan to provide the results of the survey to transportation administrative agencies and business operators nationwide to suggest directions for improvement.” “He said.

He continued, “In addition to our efforts to continuously expand transportation facilities, we will strengthen training for field workers and managers to improve services for the transportation vulnerable and guide policies in the direction of activating audio-visual information guidance.”

Meanwhile, detailed information about this survey can be found in the Traffic Safety Information Management System operated by the Korea Transportation Safety Authority (‘Information on Transportation Disadvantaged’) and e-Nara Index (


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