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Chronic stress is the root cause of many health problems


One of the most important findings is that health inequalities occur not only among the lowest income groups, but also among people who earn relatively well and who are educated. This shows that health inequalities are a complex problem that is not just about unhealthy lifestyles. Researchers Anna Vera Jørring Pallesen and her team say that people with a lower socio-economic status are more likely to suffer from various conditions, from skin diseases to cancer and mental problems.


A critical insight is that chronic stress is the root cause of many health problems. People in financial difficulties are more likely to experience chronic stress. This stress affects not only mental health, but also physical condition. Maria van den Muijsenbergh, GP and professor, explains that the hormones released during stress are harmful to our body. This leads to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and a weakened immune system. In addition, chronic stress disrupts the ability to plan ahead, and this can lead to unhealthy choices such as smoking more or more unhealthy food.

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A vicious circle

The health care system itself also plays a role. Aid often does not reach the people who need it most, and that is a problem that needs to be addressed. Bias from health care providers and financial barriers such as affordability ensure that vulnerable groups do not receive the care they need. This leads to a vicious cycle of ill health financial situation getting worse, and vice versa.

Experts argue for a broader approach: reducing stress factors, making care more accessible and including people with fewer options in policy. It is clear that more than just reducing health care costs is needed to address this ongoing problem a gap to close The question is not only how we can improve care, but how we can create a society in which everyone has equal opportunities to stay healthy.

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2024-11-03 18:19:00
#Chronic #stress #root #health #problems

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