According to the “Sports & consumption” study conducted by the social research and marketing institute Eumetra, the favorite physical activities in Italy are, somewhat surprisingly, yoga and pilates. The research conducted on the basis of the last three months of a sample of people who practice sports at least once a week, 12% dedicate themselves to yoga and pilates, putting psychophysical well-being at the center of their interest.
The data shows that 64% of those interviewed (which rises to 68% if we also consider those under 25) see sport as medicine for the mind. Being physically well is therefore not enough, there is also a search for brain well-being and this is confirmed by Matteo Lucchi CEO of Eumetra: “In an increasingly complex, fast and chaotic world, physical activity is a refuge, an oasis of personal well-being to reconnect with one’s needs”. A trend that is confirmed by the disciplines that take the podium, yoga and pilates, precisely.
“These gymnastics specializations are part of new wellness paths that people choose to do – confirm Paola Morara, Uisp Gymnastics manager – in fact, we are seeing a new attention, born after Covid, for practices aimed at health and psychophysical well-being, therefore at both a physical and mental level. Yoga, with its attention and research, and pilates, more dynamic but with a modality accessible to everyone, respond to these renewed needs. Then the people they notice the improvements and benefits obtained from this type of movement and give rise to significant word of mouth and so, in recent years, membership is growing rapidly”.
These are calm activities, accessible even to less trained people who approach sport as adults: “Furthermore, recently many doctors recommend taking part in these activities, because they bring benefits without forcing too much joints and bone system – concludes Morara – Therefore the demand for courses has increased and, consequently, also thespecialized training offer for operators, such as the one that Uisp organizes throughout Italy, with courses for gymnastics teachers aimed at health and fitness, pilates method and yoga method”.
The study also highlighted how Italians who practice sports are divided into four categories. In first place, with 41% there is the fanatical sportsmanmainly men in their forties, who live and work in the city, willing to sacrifice even their lunch break in order to practice different types of sports even several times a week. For them, nutrition is also projected towards sporting results and competitiveness and the desire to improve are fundamental. 23%, however, is made up of so-called repairman sportsmanalthough it would be better to say repairer given that the largest portion of this category is made up of women. For them, sport is synonymous with health, but also with weight to be constantly monitored, without forgetting that the time they dedicate to the chosen discipline is seen as time to dedicate to themselves. The third category collects 20% of the people interviewed and includes the athlete who feels the simple need to move without too many ulterior motives. It is made up of over 55s who consider sport as a way to prevent the passing of time, protect themselves from the risk of a few too many ailments and socialize with other people. Finally, 17% consider sport as a synonym of prowess. The sample is mostly made up of under 25s, lovers of individual sports and aiming to improve without ever forgetting their passion for the discipline they practice.