« The worst player in LOSC history »: no need to ask @_Dropss if he is happy with the jersey received in his collector’s box created for the 80 years of LOSCthe answer is probably no. The title of worst player in the club’s history is left to everyone’s discretion, but we can understand the frustration of this supporter when he discovered that his collector’s jersey was emblazoned with the name of Simon Ramet.
Does his name mean nothing to you? However Simon Ramet has long been a Mastiff, playing with the reserve from 2021 to 2023. He found himself in the list of players in this collector’s box for a match played with the professional team in 2023 before signing free… with the Lensoise reserve! We therefore understand that the pill is difficult for this Lille supporter. Today, Simon Ramet is still in N3, but under the colors of the IC Croix.
Also read: LOSC unveils a collector’s jersey for its 80th anniversary
But this Internet user is not the only one to be disappointed. The reaction was obviously similar for Romane (post below) upon discovering her flocked swimsuit Nolan Mbembawho played a match in 2015 with the LOSC jersey and who now plays for Grenoble.
Baratte, Chevalier and other stars for a lucky few
And among the disappointed, there are also a few lucky ones who pulled some Lucas Chevalier, Jean Baratte and other stars of Mastiffs. Obviously, we have a little thought for the person who received their box and discovered the flocking in the name ofEden Hazard.
Of the 771 collector’s jerseys offered exclusively to subscribers, there were bound to be some happy and some disappointed people!