In recent months, speculation has grown that Apple has several new products in development aimed at the smart home. One of them is a device that’s supposed to be used to control a smart home, and it’s basically a touchscreen with a bottom part consisting of a pedestal with a speaker. It is about this device that Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman has now provided new details. According to Gurman, the device will launch sometime next year and will feature a half-sphere-shaped base with a screen protruding from the stand, which will be placed at an angle to the base. The whole design will be strongly reminiscent of the iconic iMac G4, popularly nicknamed the Lamp and, according to many fans, it was the most beautiful computer or even the most beautiful product in Apple history.
According to Gurman, this two-decade-old product should become the inspiration for something that should become the centerpiece of our smart home. Currently, the devices can be used as a so-called hub for a homekit, for example Apple TV, HomePod or iPad. The expected device display size will not be too large. More precisely, it would be a square screen, which would be roughly the size of two iPhones side by side. The small size reflects Apple’s efforts to keep the price low, so that users have the opportunity to purchase this device for several rooms in the house and thus control their smart home using it from anywhere in the house. the house.
On the device, the user will be able to run a number of iPad-like apps, including Notes, Calendar, FaceTime, Apple Music, and more. A complete interface for controlling a smart home is a no-brainer. In addition to this basic and relatively inexpensive device, Apple should also offer a device with a larger screen on a robotic arm that will be able to identify the user and automatically track them and rotate the screen so that ‘he’s always facing his face. However, this product is already expected to belong to a completely different category with a price around $1000 and is expected to hit the market no earlier than 2026.