Home » News » A child who was found dead in a nightclub in Padua, her mother, 29 years old, was taken to hospital. Reviewers: “Possible Bride”

A child who was found dead in a nightclub in Padua, her mother, 29 years old, was taken to hospital. Reviewers: “Possible Bride”

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A tragedy Padova. A newborn She died a few hours this morning at dawn, after her mother, a 29-year-old Italian, gave birth inside a bedroom used by girls who work at the hotel. night club Evening in Piove di Sacco where he works. The woman would have called 118, but once they were on the site the health workers could only confirm the girl’s death and call the police. The woman is hospitalized in Padua hospital and the prosecutor’s office has started investigations without excluding any hypothesis.

Calling 118

The 29-year-old woman, the mother of the newborn who was found dead, was sleeping on the top floor, used as bedrooms, of the Evening Night Club, a well-known center in the area. She was the only woman, who entered the hospital this morning, who asked for help.

For a couple of months the woman had been living above the night club. The head of the local carabinieri, Giacomo Chimienti, told journalists. Speaking to Tgr Rai, the mayor of Piove di Sacco Lucia Pizzo announced that the 29-year-old did not live in the city of Padua, and that the social services did not know her story. To determine whether the girl’s death occurred during or after childbirth, an autopsy will be required, and the designation will be decided by the Padua Prosecutor’s Office.

The assumptions

Babies are the most likely hypothesis in the case of a newborn girl found dead in Piove di Sacco. Paduan investigators say that, according to whether the little girl died “from unnatural causes”. This is based on the first decisions made by the 118 doctors on the little body. The autopsy and the coroner’s report will confirm or deny this thesis.


2024-10-29 12:30:00

#child #dead #nightclub #Padua #mother #years #hospital #Reviewers #Bride

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