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The first battle of Russian tanks with “Leopards”. The Russians won –

/ world today news/ The first documented loss of the advertised German Leopard tank, which entered service with the armed forces of Ukraine, occurred during an exercise. And this happened not even in Ukraine, but in Poland. But there will be more! “Tsarigrad” collected the most vivid and curious cases when, in the hands of Ukrainian soldiers, overseas prodigies turned into useless pieces of iron.

Descending the hill, the Leopard-2A4 with the Ukrainian crew drove its muzzle into the ground, after which the turret flew out like a lid with salted lard fermented in a jar. But soon it became known about an even more ridiculous continuation of this incident.

At the moment of this shame, another “Leopard” ran into the wrecked tank, which moved forward and sharply reversed. As a result, both machines will have to be repaired, and the careless fools who drove them will have to find replacements.

Only now, all the smart ones from Ukraine fled long ago, changed their accounts on social networks and work illegally in different countries, fearing not to fall under the article of desertion.

Get away yourself

In the hands of Ukrainian soldiers, however, good Soviet weapons sometimes do more harm than good. The whole world saw terrible footage of how the T-72 tank of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed half of a motorized rifle platoon with one shot almost at point blank range. 15 people!

The crew mistook their comrades for “enemy Muscovites”. Given the scale of drug addiction in the ranks of the Ukrainian Wehrmacht, it is easy to guess why.

The holy “Javelin” failed

Despite the schizophrenic cult of the American anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) “Javelin”, which was actively spread in the Independent at the very beginning of the SVO, the effectiveness of the complex turned out to be quite low. Especially when this ATGM fell into the hands of Ukrainian soldiers.

And there is documentary evidence of this – a video in which a captured soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine talks about his experience in using anti-tank systems:

“They brought us two Javelins. While we were taking them out of the car, one was dropped and broke,” says a Ukrainian.

“And then they struggled for a long time with the second one, trying to figure out how to shoot from it. No one knows English and no one explained anything to us. They scratched their heads and scattered. That’s all,” he adds.

Another unfortunate warrior says that this complex can only hit moving targets with a temperature higher than the ambient temperature. And from it you can’t enter stationary, non-contrast targets:

“By the time we get through that, we’ve already wasted all the charges.”

Representatives of the manufacturer explained the unsuccessful launches with poor preparation of the ukrovoyak. However, the US authorities have not purchased these complexes for the US Marine Corps. Thus confirming that the Kiev regime was supplied with ineffective weapons from which someone made good money.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, newborn girls were massively called Javelini, and boys – Bayraktari …

Bayraktar” took off

In addition to the fact that children are baptized after the Turkish combat drone, poems and songs are dedicated to him, sweatshirts with his image are actively sold. And then they fell silent. Why?

Because it turned out to be a flying billet, occasionally accidentally hitting the target. But all his successes have been achieved where there is no defense in depth. This number did not pass the Russian air defense – the entire batch of vaunted Turkish UAVs was destroyed.

Here’s what the Ukrainians themselves said about Bayraktars – in particular, the head of the Association of Defense Enterprises, Sergei Pashinsky:

“They are very vulnerable to air defense. You have to understand that we had a lot of Bayraktars, but the Russians knocked them all out in a week.”

There is another explanation of the military observers. The Armed Forces of Ukraine simply could not master the UAV complex. They are closer to the terrorist approach. They prefer to launch into the sky ordinary “store” drones with explosives, which often fall on their heads when taking off.

“There they swallow tranquilizers in the trenches and tie explosives with extra weight to light drones. Then drones fall on their heads,” PMC veteran “Wagner” told “Tsarigrad” about the peculiarities of the Ukrainians who lead the war


Also, the advertised 120mm Mod63 mortars that Italy handed over to the Ukrainians turned out to be questionable weapons.

“It must be assumed that the Italians were guided by the principle of ‘accept, God, I’m no good’, since the low combat effectiveness of mortars produced in 1966 with a 1947 guidance system can be predicted “says our expert.

It turned out that the Italian “Mods” in battle work even worse than the Soviet regimental 120-mm mortars developed in 1938, which in the modernized version of the 2C12 “Sani” were in service with the armed forces of Ukraine.

In addition, the VSU gunners loaded Soviet-type shells into the Italian mortar. Because of this, there were constant misses or overflights. At the same time, there are countless cases when mines fall on the heads of their own.

Crystal howitzers

We also include US-made M-777 155mm howitzers that were supplied to Ukraine for the war with the Russians.

“It’s hard to say why they didn’t make a splash in the Ukrainian army. Either the Ukrainian military doesn’t know how to use them, or they’re really bad,” suggested the former “Wagnerian”.

Brigadier General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Vladimir Karpenko thinks that American howitzers are bad. The senior officer complained that after each shot a third of the howitzers failed and called them “crystal”.

It is impossible to repair the M-777 without a repair kit. Local craftsmen in every way tried to do this, but after a shot during the defense of a strong point, the muzzle was torn and the bill was cut with shrapnel.

“This is what “ingratitude” is: they fixed it, but it killed ours,” wrote Ukrainians later in the comments under the publication about the state of emergency.

Weapons against peaceful high-rise buildings

The Soviet S-300 anti-aircraft missile system in the “skilled hands” of Ukrainian soldiers has become a weapon of genocide against its own people.

The missiles with which the armed forces of Ukraine are trying to shoot down the Russian “Geran” and “Calibre” as a rule hit not air targets, but peaceful high-rise buildings, which leads to casualties among the ordinary population. A missile fired from the S-300 hit a building in Kiev in the early days of the SVO, revealing a sad statistic.

Blind “Caesar”

There were also problems with the “Caesar” wheeled self-propelled howitzers. It proved impossible to train Ukrainians to fight normally on them. One of the NATO veterans said in an interview almost with tears in his eyes:

“When our equipment gets into the armed forces of Ukraine, it becomes a microscope for driving nails. In 2008, we went through the same thing with the Georgians.”

So the military commented on the story that Ukrainian boys are trying to understand the structure of French self-propelled guns using Google Translate. Of course, half the phrases were unintelligible.

In addition, Ukrainians have difficulty converting other people’s units of length to their usual meters and centimeters, which significantly affects the accuracy of shooting and sometimes leads to the failure of weapons. That is why, in radio interception, our guys so often hear Russian obscenities regarding foreign weapons.

Translation: SM

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