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Longevity: the 5 daily activities that researchers say are most beneficial

Here are the 5 daily activities that according to researchers are best for your health and help us live longer

Daniel Partelli

28 October – 10.49am – MILAN

One of the goals of human beings is to live as long as possible and in the last decades, study after study, the so-called “secrets of longevity” have been confirmed by science: the mind of be able to adapt even to difficult situationsto have a body more flexible or doing physical exercise among the main ones. If it is true that in aiming for longevity, there are many aspects and factors that we cannot control, it is equally true that some daily activities that help us live longer. Here’s what science says and which 5 daily activities are best for your health according to researchers.

Do physical activity every day

It’s not surprising at all and the studies prove it the many benefits of physical activity for the body and the mind they are innumerable, to the extent that we can speak of scientific certainty. It is necessary to be active every day maintain a strong and healthy metabolismimproves the cardiovascular system and cultivates a person’s overall psychological well-being.

Several studies have proven that the secret lies in consistency: long and intense daily training is not necessary, but to reduce the risk of mortality Even just 22 minutes of training per day is enoughdone all at once or spread over the day. A study conducted in Norway concluded that people who exercise less than 22 minutes a day – and sit for more than 12 hours – 38% higher risk of death compared to those who do not sit for more than 8 hours and do regular physical activity.

Vary your training exercises

If there is no doubt about the benefits of daily physical activity, experts claim that the secret lies difference between exercises and exercises. This is also supported by the World Health Organization, according to which people who do a range of physical activity, including balance and resistance exercise, can reduce drop rates up to 28% and this is very important if we consider that falls are one of the main causes of death among the elderly.

The main goal strengthening different muscle groupsthus promoting general well-being, and alternating aerobic and strength training, reviewing the type of exercises as age progresses and also including balance exercises after the age of 50.

Have a good network of social contacts

The COVID-19 pandemic has powerfully shown us this: to be strong social networkmade up of family and friends, fundamental to our physical and mental well-being. This is because of social relations they help manage stress and maintain emotional balanceas well as stimulating the mind and contributing to the maintenance of cognitive abilities, as well as providing a sense of belonging and purpose in life. Not to mention when, in the case of health problems, Strong social support can be crucial.

In 2021, the results of research carried out in Italy before and during the COVID-19 pandemic confirmed that healthy aging is also essential. included in territorial networks and have connection reference pointsconfirming which research had already been supported Brigham Young Universityaccording to whether a “wider social network” can reduce the risk of premature death by 50%.

Healthy and balanced food

Like physical activity, one of the secrets of longevity lies in itdiet. It is what makes the difference in the long run healthy and balanced food. The right amount and quality of carbohydrates must be chosen, preferably complex, from whole grains and vegetables, proteins mostly from plant sources such as legumesbut also two or three portions of fish per week and healthy fats, of plant origin, such as EVO oil and nuts.

A series of studies in recent years have proven that there are many benefits interim appointmentbe adjusted to your taste on professional advice. Fasting every day for about 12 hours, from the end of dinner to breakfast, can also help us synchronized with the circadian day-night rhythm and thus allow our organism to launch a whole series of defense and repair mechanisms called “hormesis”.

Take a multifaceted approach

Experts believe that it is necessary, from an early age, adopt a healthy lifestyle which includes daily physical activity, a varied and healthy diet and a daily commitment to control and reduce weight. The sooner we start, the sooner these good habits will become an integral part of our lifestyle.

2024-10-28 09:50:00
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