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Aircraft noise in Aargau is increasing – is the canton taking action?

The Aargau government council has noticed an increase in noise pollution from aircraft. It gets louder and louder, especially at night. Now demands are getting louder.

A plane approaching Zurich Airport. – keystone

The most important thing in brief

  • In Aargau, aircraft noise caused by Zurich Airport has increased.
  • Noise pollution also increases at night in some communities.
  • In the canton of Aargau, the airport does not operate a measuring station for aircraft noise.


The residents of the canton of Aargau are experiencing an increase in flight activity during the night hours.

Compared to the previous year, the number of take-offs and landings at Zurich Airport increased again. Although there were fewer flights between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. than before the pandemic, there was more activity during the night hours.

Have you already flown from Zurich?


Yes, but not this year.


Yes, but not this year.

A total of 2,049 aircraft took off from Kloten between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. in 2023, and 1,430 landings were recorded. In comparison, there were only 1,682 takeoffs and just 883 landings in 2019. This means an increase of over a third in all night takeoffs and landings.

Canton of Aargau hears Zurich Airport

Since parts of the canton of Aargau are under the entry or departure routes, the canton is feeling the consequences. The noise level over Aargau has increased by around one decibel during the day compared to last year. This is reported by the “Aargauer Zeitung”, citing the government council’s statement on noise pollution monitoring for 2023.

The noise pollution in the Siglistorf and Schneisingen areas increased by one to three decibels between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. In Ehrendingen and Wettingen it is around one decibel.

In the canton of Aargau, the planes taking off from Zurich Airport can be clearly seen – and in some cases also clearly heard. – keystone

The aircraft noise also increased at night. In Siglistorf and Scheisingen the pollution increased by around two decibels, while in Ehrendingen it increased by around one decibel. It only got quieter in Würenlos and Spreitenbach.

However, the government council emphasizes that noise pollution during the day is still well within the requirements of the provisional operating regulations. At night, however, the planning values ​​of sensitivity level 2 would be exceeded in parts of Würenlos, Killwangen, Spreitenbach and Bellikon. That was the case two years ago.

People from Aargau are most affected after people from Zurich

Zurich Airport operates a total of 14 measuring stations to record aircraft noise. But none of them are in the canton of Aargau. After the canton of Zurich, noise pollution is highest there. According to the government council, one in ten people who are disturbed by aircraft noise at night lives in Aargau.

Since 2008, the canton has had its own measuring station in Bellikon to collect independent data.

In parts of the canton of Aargau, noise pollution from Zurich Airport has increased. After the corona pandemic, more travelers are on the road again. In some places in Aargau the noise also increases at night. “It is not enough for the canton to just monitor the noise situation. He has to take action,” says Baden GLP councilor Sander Mallien. The government council is also calling on Zurich Airport to “urgently get better control” of the delays.

However, Baden’s GLP councilor Sander Mallien believes this to be insufficient and is now calling for more measuring stations in the canton: “I know that Zurich Airport has mobile measuring stations that could certainly be borrowed,” the “AZ” quoted him as saying. Mallien hopes that the city of Baden will do something – Bellikon is too far away.

Do you hear the aircraft noise from Zurich Airport at night?

The GLP politician wants to submit a proposal for more aircraft noise measuring devices in the canton. “It is not enough for the canton to just monitor the noise situation. He has to take action.”

Need for action during night overflights

The government council also addresses the many delays. Zurich Airport “urgently needs to get a better handle on this”. In 2023, 47 percent of flights took off more than 15 minutes late during the day. At night the number was 42.2 percent.

The airport sees the problem in a shortage of staff at various partners of the airport. However, from the government council’s perspective, it can implement measures to improve this situation. The same applies to the “slot freeze”, which limits take-offs and landings after 9 p.m.



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