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Victims of violence outside shelter homes


The new challenge of E.Va odv was presented, the association that for years has been a very important point of reference in the area for women victims of violence. The new initiative entitled “Creativa-mente” which will start on Tuesday 5 November. Eight women who live in shelters after having suffered years of abuse and violence will be involved. Their salvation, after having experienced dramatic situations, is having found the strength to denounce, to break the spiral of violence.

“Let’s not call them victims: they are fighters, women who are rebuilding themselves – says the councilor for social inclusion Paola Reguzzoni (in the photo) – Other than comfortable and paid accommodation, in the shelter they give up everything”. Once a week for six months they will now be able to go out in protected places. An important project to overcome the isolation made possible thanks to the collaboration of the Busto Arsizio Lombardia Lions Club, Motoclub SS33 Sempione, Heal Foundation, Bhaga Yoga School, San Carlo Institute and the “Chasing a thread” group as well as the municipal administration of Busto Arsizio. Yoga sessions, crochet work, flower messages, holistic therapeutic massages with Bach flowers and other activities will be offered. There are also “talk groups” and spaces where you can entrust your children. As regards travel from shelters, the collaboration of the volunteers of the Motoclub SS33 Sempione is fundamental. In recent years, E.Va ODV has cared for 1,700 abused women and their children.


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