Home » Business » Key points for lawyers to succeed with listing advertisements and how to utilize telephone agency services | CUBE, a telephone agency and secretarial agency service

Key points for lawyers to succeed with listing advertisements and how to utilize telephone agency services | CUBE, a telephone agency and secretarial agency service

Basics of listing advertisements and their effects on lawyers

Key points for lawyers to succeed with listing advertisements and how to utilize telephone agency services | CUBE, a telephone agency and secretarial agency service

Listing ads are ads that are displayed when a specific keyword is entered on a search engine. High targeting effects can be expected as ads can be delivered according to the search user’s intent. Law firms can efficiently attract potential clients by posting advertisements specific to their region or specific legal field.

What is a listing advertisement?

Listing advertising is one of the advertising methods that incurs a fee per click. On the search results screens of Google, Yahoo!, etc., it will be displayed at the top of the page along with the notation “Sponsor”.

Unlike SEO measures, listing advertising is known as a method that is easy to attract customers at an early stage and has immediate results.

Advantages of listing ads

The advantage of using listing advertisements for lawyers is that they have immediate effects and can clearly narrow down their targets. In addition, by setting advertisements according to region and legal field, you can highlight your lawyer’s expertise and efficiently acquire potential clients in a short period of time.

Furthermore, many people who use law firms want to receive support from experts quickly, so they often contact the firms that are ranked high.

Keywords that lawyers should keep in mind when listing advertisements

When lawyers operate listing advertisements, it is important to select appropriate keywords.

For example, by being aware of keywords that customers search for specific legal issues, such as “divorce lawyer,” “free inheritance consultation,” and “traffic accident settlement,” you can deliver effective advertising. In addition, by combining the “region name”, you can expect a more targeted advertising effect.

Points to note when lawyers operate listing advertisements

Points to note when lawyers operate listing advertisements

In order to effectively operate listing ads, it is important to be aware of several points.

Understanding advertising regulations

The legal industry has different advertising regulations than other industries. In particular, the “Regulations Concerning Advertising for Lawyers, etc.” prohibits advertising that is contrary to the facts and expressions that mislead clients. For example, we do not allow content that guarantees a success rate in litigation or expressions that create excessive expectations. When operating listing advertisements, you must proceed with caution while paying attention to these regulations.

Pay attention to cost effectiveness

Listing ads are said to be highly cost-effective, but there is a risk of wasting money if you spend money on keywords that are not effective. Each click incurs a cost, so it’s important to regularly analyze your advertising data and focus your budget on effective keywords to avoid spending too much on keywords with low conversion rates.

Utilizing telephone agency services to improve the effectiveness of listing advertisements

Utilizing telephone agency services to improve the effectiveness of listing advertisements

In order to improve the effectiveness of listing ads, it is ideal for inquiries from ads to be responded to quickly. Particularly when it comes to legal consultations, many people are very excited or want a quick response, and these people tend to contact us directly over the phone.

You may think that most of the inquiries from the homepage come through the form, but in reality, the number of inquiries received by phone is higher, and the probability of closing a deal is higher. Even if the number of telephone inquiries increases, if responses are delayed, customers may be diverted to other offices.

By introducing a telephone answering service, you can quickly respond to the increasing number of inquiries from listing advertisements, maintain the quality of response without losing customers, and expect to improve your closing rate as a result.

What is telephone agency service?

A telephone agency service is a service in which a professional operator answers telephone calls on behalf of a company or office. Even when lawyers and office staff are absent, we will respond to inquiries from courts, bar associations, and advisors, as well as inquiries from new clients that may lead to appointment.

Efficiently respond to inquiries that increase with listing ads

As the effectiveness of your listing ads increases, the number of inquiries will also increase.

However, if you are unable to adequately respond to the increasing number of inquiries, you not only run the risk of losing customers, but you also run the risk of wasting the money you spent on advertising your listings.

By introducing a telephone answering service, you can not only prevent situations in which you are unable to respond to a rapidly increasing number of inquiries, but also significantly reduce the burden on lawyers and administrative staff in handling telephone calls.

Improving client satisfaction and gaining trust

A prompt and courteous telephone response is an important element in increasing client satisfaction and increasing the trustworthiness of a law firm. In addition, improving the quality of customer service will lead to the acquisition of new customers through repeat customers and referrals. At law firms, customer trust is directly linked to an increase in the number of requests, so it is important to maintain and improve the quality of telephone response.

Specific benefits of introducing a telephone agent service

Specific benefits of introducing a telephone agent service

Telephone answering services not only provide support for responding to inquiries, but also bring many benefits to the operation of a law firm. Below, we will explain the specific benefits in detail.

Preventing opportunity loss for new projects

Law firms are often unable to answer the phone while out of town or in meetings, creating the risk of missing out on inquiries from new clients. By introducing a telephone agency service, you can reliably catch inquiries when you are not available and prevent the loss of opportunities for new projects.

cost reduction

Hiring office staff and having them solely answer the phone can be expensive.

In addition, including job advertisements and welfare benefits, it becomes a huge burden on monthly operations.

On the other hand, telephone agency services can provide high-quality telephone support at low monthly costs. Stable operation is possible by avoiding the risk of hiring office staff and the burden of training.

Reducing the burden on office staff

If too much time is spent answering telephone calls, office staff’s primary duties may be delayed and efficiency may decline. By using a telephone answering service, it is expected that the burden on office staff will be reduced, stress reduced, and work efficiency improved.

Focus on core business

In order for lawyers and administrative staff to concentrate on their core business, it is important that their time is not taken up by day-to-day phone calls. After implementing a telephone answering service, you will be able to create an environment where you can concentrate on core business such as legal affairs and client relations, without having to deal with telephone calls.


Listing advertisements are a powerful means for law firms to efficiently acquire new clients.

However, in order to maximize effectiveness, it is important to select appropriate keywords, understand advertising regulations, and respond quickly and carefully to inquiries. By introducing a telephone answering service, you can reliably respond to the rapidly increasing number of inquiries and reduce the risk of losing customers.

CUBE Telephone Agency Service provides “My Team108”, a specialized telephone agency service for law firms, and is able to quickly and courteously respond to inquiries received through listing advertisements. In addition to using listing advertisements, consider introducing a telephone answering service to streamline office operations and improve customer satisfaction.

Click here for online inquiries

Click here to book an online individual consultation

Poster profile: Yu Nagase

A former paralegal, she worked at a law firm for 10 years and has gained extensive practical experience in areas such as debt collection, inheritance, divorce, and traffic accidents under the supervision of a lawyer.
With 10 years of experience in the writing industry, I currently work as a freelance professional writer.

Osaka LC Center Co., Ltd. CUBE Telephone Service Group

At CUBE Telephone Agency Service, the operators who actually answer the phone provide information about the appeal and business of the telephone agency service. If you are a company that is having trouble answering the phone, or are considering using a telephone service, please take a look at the know-how on daily telephone answering and examples of implementation in various industries.

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