Home » News » New Human Capital Complaint: Fraud Found in the Exclusion Allowance – Radio y Televisión Riojana

New Human Capital Complaint: Fraud Found in the Exclusion Allowance – Radio y Televisión Riojana

The Ministry of Human Capital, through an investigation led by ANSES, found and reported to the Justice serious irregularities in the processing of the Exemption Allowance (AUE), as reported by the portfolio led by Sandra Pettovello.

“The irregularities that have been identified show the systematic use of presenting false documents and apocryphal medical certificates in several ANSES care offices, in order to obtain the allocation fraudulently,” according to the ministry.

These are 203 cases that could have cost the State $166 million. The criminal complaint was filed last Friday in the courts of Comodoro Py, in the court run by Sebastián Ramos, Prosecutor’s Office 7, Ramiro González.

Official information shows that the investigation – confirmed and recorded by the Directorate of Criminal Cases, Investigations and Summaries ANSES – identified several types of recurring irregularities in the forms used to access to specification (PS 2.67):

Apocryphal medical certificates without registration of birth: Claims for Pregnancy Allowance were found with false medical certificates in which, after the specified date of delivery, no birth or termination of pregnancy was registered, assuming a pregnancy that did not exist.

Simulated termination of pregnancy: In other cases, EUA applications were submitted with apocryphal certificates that included false documentation of termination of pregnancy, allowing beneficiaries to continue receive the benefit until the alleged termination.

Future-dated certificates: Fake medical certificates with future dates were also discovered, which were already being used to collect antenatal payments, suggesting false pregnancies which would later be included in the fraud categories already mentioned.

Invalid and withheld certificates: In several cases, ANSES rejected PS 2.67 forms due to certain inconsistencies, such as invalid medical records, incorrect stamps or CUIL, and certificates made by professionals without a license the obstetrics. These forms were defensively withheld because they were seen as an attempt at fraud.


The Ministry of Human Capital says that “the fraud discovered could have cost ANSES a large amount.” In this regard, he presented two calculation scenarios regarding economic damage. One, at most, calculating that if the 203 fraudulent cases had accumulated 100% of the profit in the corresponding 9 months, the loss would be 165,959,199 pesos at the values ​​of November 2024 estimating the loss at 58,862 . 376 pesos.


“In response to these trends, the new regulation of the Ministry of Human Capital and ANSES reaffirms its commitment to transparency and the fight against corruption,” said the official information.

It specifies that, in order to avoid a repetition of these false practices, internal procedures are being redesigned, focusing on the digitization of medical certificates and the implementation of new tools that provide the best verification of procedures.

2024-10-28 01:05:00
#Human #Capital #Complaint #Fraud #Exclusion #Allowance #Radio #Televisión #Riojana

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